Operator-valued Jacobi parameters
Michael Anshelevich
The map between probability measures with finite moments, and pairs of sequences of their Jacobi parameters, is (almost) a bijection. We investigate the corresponding map when probability measures are replaced by operator-valued distributions. While the map is no longer subjective, some of the most important examples of operator-valued distributions still arise from Jacobi parameters. Various other classical properties, such as the continued fraction expansion for the Cauchy transform, also continue to hold. This is joint work with John D. Williams.Multivariable tensorial formal power series and a correspondence-based Schur-Agler class: preliminary results
Joseph Ball
Muhly-Solel introduced the Hardy algebra H∞(E) of a
W*-correspondence E over a W*-algebra M. Given a
normal *-representation σ : M → B(Hσ) of M,
they furthermore defined a left Hilbert W*-module over the commutant von
Neumann algebra σ(M)', denoted as (Eσ)*,
consisting of Hilbert-space operators η from E⊗σ
Hσ to Hσ which intertwine the respective
σ(M)'-actions on Hσ and E⊗σ
Hσ. They then introduced a Berezin transform to identify
elements of the Hardy algebra H∞(E) as
B(Hσ)-valued functions on 𝔻( (Eσ)*)
(elements η of (Eσ)* with operator norm ∥η∥<1). Such functions F : η → F(η)
have a tensorial power series representation and are characterized by complete positivity of the
associated de Branges-Rovnyak kernel
KF: 𝔻 ((Eσ)*) × 𝔻((Eσ)*) → B(σ(M)', B(Hσ))
as well as by existence of a linear-fractional transfer-function
realization with contractive (or coisometric) system matrix U.
The goal of this talk is to describe an analogous class of functions
defined on the Muhly-Solel polydisk
𝔻((Eσ)*)d = 𝔻((Eσ)*)
× ··· × 𝔻((Eσ)*)
(the d-variable Schur-Agler class 𝒜𝒮E,d on
𝔻((Eσ)*)d) consisting of those functions
with a d-variable tensorial power series representation not only with
contractive values when considered as functions on ( 𝔻((Eσ)*)d but also with contractive values when
extended to n × n-matrices over 𝔻((Eσ)*)d
(or equivalently, d-tuples of matricial points from (𝔻((Eσ)*)n × n) for n=1,2,.... Preliminary
calculations suggest that such functions F are characterized via a suitable
d-fold completely-positive kernel decomposition for the defect
operator I - F(η) F(ζ)* (or more generally, for b -
F(η) b F(ζ)* where b ∈ σ(M)'), as well as via a multivariable
version of the linear-fractional transfer-function realization
formula, analogous to the original version due to Jim Agler in 1990
for the case of the classical commutative polydisk (M = ℂ, E =
Outlying eigenvalues for polynomial functions of two random matrices
Hari Bercovici
We discuss the location of eigenvalues outside the "bulk" for a matrix model of the form
P(A(N),B(N)), where A(N) and B(N) are unitarily invariant selfadjoint random matrices of size N.
The results depend on the noncommutative subordination functions of free probability and on a classical linearization technique.
This joint work with S. Belinschi and M. Capitaine.
Statistics of Farey fractions and distribution of eigenvalues in large sieve matrices
Florin Boca
We will show how existing results on correlations of Farey fractions can be used to study the distribution of eigenvalues in large sieve matrices. The objects that we will discuss are elementary to define. This is joint work with Maksym Radziwill and Alexandru Zaharescu.
Traces arising from regular inclusions
Danny Crytser
We study the problem of extending a state on an abelian C*-subalgebra to a tracial
state on the ambient C*-algebra. We propose an approach that is well-suited to the case
of regular inclusions, in which there is a large supply of normalizers of the subalgebra.
Conditional expectations onto the subalgebra give natural extensions of a state to the
ambient C*-algebra; we prove that these extensions are tracial states if and only if certain
invariance properties of both the state and conditional expectations are satisfi ed. In the
example of a groupoid C*-algebra, these invariance properties correspond to invariance of
associated measures on the unit space under the action of bisections. Using our frame-
work, we are able to completely describe the tracial state space of a Cuntz-Krieger graph
algebra. Along the way we introduce certain operations called graph tightenings, which
both streamline our description and provides connections to related fi niteness questions
in graph C*-algebras. Our investigation has close connections with the so-called unique
state extension property and its variants.
Haagerup-Schultz projections, upper triangular forms and spectrality of Dixmier traces
Ken Dykema
Brown measure is a sort of spectral distribution for all operators
(including non-selfadjoint ones) in II1-factors. Haagerup and
Schultz proved existence of hyperinvariant projections for operators
in II1-factors, that decompose the Brown measure. With Sukochev and
Zanin, we used these to prove a sort of upper trianguler decomposition
result for such elements, analogous to Schur's famous result for
matrices. More recently, we have partially extended these results to
certain unbounded operators affiliated with II1-factors. One
application is to show that every trace is spectral (i.e., the value
of the trace depends only on the Brown measure of the operator) for
traces on certain bimodules of affiliated operators (these are often
called Dixmier traces).
Obstructions to lifting cocycles on groupoids and the associated C*-algebras
Marius Ionescu
Given an etale groupoid Γ and an abelian group A, the set
ZΓ(A) of continuous cocycles from Γ to A forms an
abelian group and it is a functor. A
short exact sequence of abelian groups induces a left exact sequence of the
group of cocycles. The obstruction to lifting a cocycle is given by a twist
over Γ. In this talk that is based on join
work with Alex Kumjian I will present some properties of these groupoid
twists. The main results implies that the C*-algebra of such a twist is
*-isomorphic to the induced algebra as described in work by
Raeburn, Rosenberg, and Williams.
Contractive determinantal representations of stable polynomials on a matrix polyball
Dmitry Kaliuzhnyi-Verbovetskyi
We show that a polynomial p with no zeros on the
closure of a matrix unit polyball, a.k.a. a cartesian product of
Cartan domains of type I, and such that p(0)=1, admits a
strictly contractive determinantal representation, i.e.,
p=det(I-KZn), where n=(n1,...,nk) is a k-tuple of
nonnegative integers, Zn=⊕kr=1(Z(r)⊗
Inr), Z(r)=[z(r)ij] are complex matrices, p is a
polynomial in the matrix entries z(r)ij and K is a
strictly contractive matrix. This result is obtained via a
noncommutative lifting and a theorem on the singularities of
minimal noncommutative structured system realizations. The talk is
based on a joint work with A. Grinshpan, V. Vinnikov, and H. J.
Exotic crossed products and coaction functors
Steve Kaliszewski
When a locally compact group G acts on a C*-algebra A,
we have both full and reduced crossed products,
each carries a dual coaction of G, and each has its own
version of crossed-product duality.
Inspired by work of Brown and Guentner on
new C*-completions of group algebras,
we have begun to understand what we call ``exotic"
crossed products --- C*-algebras that lie between
the familiar full and reduced crossed
products --- and more generally, ``exotic coactions".
Some of these coactions satisfy a corresponding exotic crossed product duality,
intermediate between full and reduced duality,
and this leads us to introduce and study
``coaction functors" induced by ideals of the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra of G.
These functors are also related to the crossed-product functors
used recently by Baum, Guentner, and
Willett in a new approach to the Baum-Connes conjecture.
(This is joint work with Magnus Landstad and John Quigg.)
Simple C*-inclusions via state extensions
Gabriel Nagy
Call a C*-algebra inclusion A⊂ B simple, if there is no non-trivial closed two sided ideal J⊂ B, such that J∩ A=0.
In this talk we overview various results (joint works with Brown, Reznikoff, Sims and Williams)
that identify such inclusions using the space of states on A that extend uniquely to states on B. Conceptually, this
is the only technique that works, and we will explain why.
Convergence properties and upper-triangular forms in finite von Neumann algebras
Joseph Noles
It was shown by Haagerup and Schultz that for any operator
T in a finite von Neumann algebra, the sequence |Tn| 1⁄n
converges in the strong operator topology. In this talk we will use
upper-triangular decompositions first described by Dykema, Sukochev
and Zanin to explore when the sequence converges in norm.
Regular and positive noncommutative rational functions
James Pascoe
Call a noncommutative rational function r regular if it has no singularities, i.e., r(X)
is defined for all tuples of self-adjoint matrices X. In this talk, regular noncommutative rational functions r are characterized
via the properties of their (minimal size) linear systems realizations. We show that a linear pencil L is invertible everywhere if,
perhaps after some transformation, the coefficients satisfy certain positivity properties.The second main result is a solution to
a noncommutative version of Hilbert's 17th problem: a positive regular noncommutative rational function is a sum of hermitian squares.
Notably, our result generalizes Helton's theorem, which says that a positive noncommutative polynomial is a sum of hermitian squares.
Model theory of C*-algebras as operator systems
Thomas Sinclair
I will discuss various aspects of the model-theoretic structure of the class of C*-algebras within the class of operator systems. This is based on joint work with Isaac Goldbring.
Higher order non-commutative functions
Leonard Stevenson
NC functions are mappings on matrices of all sizes which respect direct
sums and similarities. Differentiating nc functions iteratively, one
arrives at functions of increasingly more matrix variables, whose values
are multilinear forms, which also respect direct sums and similarities, in
a certain way. We call them nc functions of higher order. In my talk, I
will discuss the Taylor-Taylor formula and other results for higher order
nc functions.
Almost-periodic functions and representations of the free group on two generators
Stefanie Wang
Characters of finite-dimensional complex representations of the free group on two generators R, L are given by almost-periodic functions on the infinite tree of valency 4.
For a unital ring S, an S-linear quasigroup is a unital S-module, with automorphisms R and L, carrying a (nonassociative) multiplication * given by x*y=xR+yL.
If S is the field of complex numbers, the almost-periodic characters provide a complete isomorphism invariant for S-linear quasigroups. Over other rings, most notably the ring Z of integers, it is an open problem to
determine good isomorphism invariants. One approach is to tensor with the complex numbers and study the resolving power of the almost-periodic characters. This talk will introduce Z-linear representations of the
free group on two generators, and the relationship with the study of quasigroups. We exhibit non-isomorphic Z-linear quasigroups that have the same almost-periodic characters, and discuss some consequences of these examples.
Sampling in de Branges spaces of entire functions
Eric Weber
We consider the problem of sampling and recovery of functions in the Paley-Wiener space and its generalizations to de Branges spaces.
We consider both necessary and sufficient conditions for a sequence to be a sampling sequence. We also consider the problem of sampling in the
context of dilation theory--embedding the de Branges space into a larger de Branges space while embedding the kernel functions associated with a sampling sequence
into a Riesz basis for the larger space.