Introduction to Mathematics Research:
Topological Data Analysis
Spring 2015
Section 0001: 11:00A - 12:15P TTh 221 JH
Instructor: Dr. Isabel K. Darcy,
Department of Mathematics and AMCS,
University of Iowa
Office:B1H MLH
Phone: 335- 0778
Email: idarcybiomath+3900 AT or isabel-darcy AT
Office hours: Monday 10:30am - 12:00noon, Thursday 12:30pm - 2:00pm, and by appointment.
Midterm this Thursday 3/5 in class.
Problem session Wednesday 3/4 at 1:30pm in 221 MLH
Extra office hours Wednesday 3/4 at 10:30am - 11:40am and 2:30pm - 3:45pm+
in my office
+ means that I can stay later if we don't finish by 3:45pm.
Answers to HW 4
and Answers to HW 5
for pdf file of corresponding class material):
Note: It helps to see concepts multiple times. Thus week 1 material may be the most challenging. Week 1 will introduce you to topological data
analysis using a non-standard example (non-standard examples can be very helpful when modeling data in the real world). Thus week 1 material will
only appear on an exam IF also covered in a later week. But having a partial understanding of week 1 will help with later weeks.
Tentative Schedule | HW/Announcements |
Week 1 |
1/20 |
Introduction to Topological Data Analysis: Grid cells
Icon Quiz 1 (Due 1/21)
(Due 1/28)
1/22 |
Discuss Preparatory Lecture 1:
The Euler characteristic (20:32
FY: Mobius band,
Jeff Weeks: "Shape of Space"
2013 video (60 min),
The Geometry Center Shape of Space Video (11
FYI: Grid cells - raw data
Week 2 |
1/27 |
Discuss Preparatory Lecture 2:
Addition and Free Abelian Groups (17:53 min),
Worksheet 1,
Intro to Data Analysis slides
Icon Quiz 2 (Due 1/26)
Icon Quiz 3 (Due 1/28)
1/29 |
Discuss Preparatory Lecture 3:
Modular Arithmetic (9:40 min)
Worksheet 2,
Installing R and
Start discussing On the Local Behavior of Spaces of Natural Images,
Gunnar Carlsson, Tigran Ishkhanov, Vin de Silva, Afra Zomorodian, International Journal of Computer Vision January 2008, Volume 76, Issue 1, pp
Van Hateren's Natural Image Database
and data, G Carlsson (2009), section 2.4, p. 269 - 278
Week 3 |
2/3 |
Discuss Preparatory Lecture 4:
Addition and Free Vector Spaces (21:26 min)
Worksheet 3,
Continue image analysis discussion
Icon Quiz 4 (Due 2/2)
Icon Quiz 5 (Due 2/4)
HW 2 (Due 2/4)
2/5 |
Discuss Preparatory Lecture 5:
Triangulations and Simplicial Complexes (28:19 min)
Worksheet 4,
Continue image analysis discussion
Week 4 |
2/10 |
Discuss Preparatory Lecture 6:
Creating a Simplicial Complex from
Data (28:15 min),
Intro to
relations and partitions,
worksheet 5
Icon Quiz 6 (Due 2/9)
2/12 |
Week 5 |
2/17 |
Files for R intro 2
Intro draft including 2, 8, 10 (Due 2/17)
2/19 |
Homology example |
Week 6 |
2/24 |
Create Your Own Homology |
4 (Due 2/26)
2/26 |
Barcodes (pptx),
pptx with notes
Week 7 |
3/3 |
Review |
5 (Due 3/3)
3/5 |
Midterm (Answers)
Week 8 |
3/10 |
Persistence Diagrams,
3/12 |
*****Spring Break**** |
Week 9 |
3/24 |
Review/ethics |
3/26 |
Week 10 |
3/31 |
Mapper slides,
Python mapper
Intro draft including 3, 8, 10 and commented R code (Due 3/31)
4/2 |
mapper 2 |
Week 11 |
4/7 |
Topology of Viral Evolution |
2 well-written pages plus comments from the Writing Center (due 4/9)
4/9 |
Zig-zag persistence |
Week 12 |
4/14 |
Finding generators, clustering, witness complexes |
4/16 |
Lab |
Week 13 |
4/21 |
HW 6: 2 well-written pages plus comments from the Writing Center (due
HW 7 (due 4/23)
Draft of your project which should be at least 50% done.
4/23 |
Week 14 |
4/28 |
4/30 |
Week 15 |
5/4 |
Student presentations |
HW 9 (due 5/5)
Summarize May 4th presentations
HW 10 (due 5/7)
Summarize May 6th presentations
5/6 |
Student presentations |
Final Exam Week |
5/13 |
Final exam Wed 5/13/2015
8:00 PM - 8:50 PM in 221 JH | |
HW 1 (due Tuesday 3/3, 2 points): Add your info (picture, name,
interests) to our course wiki class list
HW 2 (due Thursday Feb 5 beginning of class, 2 points): Download a data set and answer the following questions:
1.) Where did you get your data?
2.) Briefly describe your data
3.) What format is your data in (eg excel, text, etc.)?
4.) How many data points are in your data set?
5.) Does your data live in a fixed dimension and if so, what is that dimension?
HW 3 (due Tuesday 3/3, 10 points)
Do a few Swirl
submodules (1 point each for up to 10 submodules of any combination of
HW 4 (due Thursday Feb 26 in class, 6 points)
Calculate the following for all i for the simplicial complex from class:
1.) Find C_i, B_i, Z_i
2.) Find the matrix corresponding to each boundary map (from C_i to
3.) Find H_i
Answers to HW 4
HW 5 (due Tuesday March 3 beginning of class, 24 points)
Complete the linked worksheet
(p. 1: 6 pts,
p. 2: 2 pts,
p. 3: 2 pts,
p. 4: 5 pts,
p. 5: 5 pts,
p. 6: 4 pts)
Answers to HW 5
HW 6 (due Wednesday April 22, 2 points)
2 well-written pages plus comments from the Writing Center
HW 7 (due Thursday April 23, 25 points)
Draft of your project which should be at least 50% done.
HW 8 (due ?, 2 points)
HW 9 (due Wednesday May 5, 5 points)
Summary of May 4th presentations.
HW 10 (due Friday May 7, 5 points)
Summary of May 6th presentations.
HW 11 (Due Monday May 11, 2 points): Choose 4 lectures from the first 7 weeks of class
AND 4 additional lectures from weeks 8 14 that you found most interesting (in terms of
what should be on the final exam).
Final exam Wed 5/13/2015 8:00 PM - 8:50 PM in 221 JH
Study midterm, worksheets, homework, and lectures with a focus on ??
Review session Tuesday at ??
Office hours Tuesday at ?? and Wednesday at ??
Design your own HW (Due 4/30, 30 points)
One possibility: Attend a conference and present a poster. For example,
- The 1st Annual Meeting of SIAM Central States Section, Missouri S&T Campus, Rolla, Missouri, April 11-12, 2015
(abstracts due March 10)
- Midwest Undergraduate Data Analytics Competition (MUDAC), Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Winona
State University, Winona, MN,
April 11-12, 2015.
- Midwest Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium (MUMS), Simpson College
Mathematics Department, Indianola, Iowa, April 10 - 11, 2015 (Apply for travel funds ASAP, abstracts due March 27).
- Present a poster at the UI Sonia Kovalevsky High
School Mathematics Day, April 11th, 2015
11th Annual UI
Spring Undergraduate Research Festivals (SURF)
SURF 2015 - Wednesday, April 8th from 4:30-6:30PM, 2nd Floor Atrium UCC
(Deadline to register - March 25th)
- UI College of Engineering Research Open House
& Student Recognition Luncheon
April 16 & 17, 2015
(Deadline for submission: February 28, 2015)