
Directions from your hotels to the conference venue can be found here.

All talks will take place in Tippie Auditorium located on the first floor of the Pappajohn Business Building.

Invited Speakers

The following mathematicians have agreed to speak at this conference

Remi Boutonnet Remi Boutonnet (University of California San Diego)

Uncountably Many Non-isomorphic Ultrapowers of II1 Factors

Ben Hayes Ben Hayes (Vanderbilt University)

Independence Tuples and Deninger's Problem

Daniel Hoff Daniel Hoff (University of California San Diego)

Unique Prime Factorization for Von Neumann Algebras of Equivalence Relations

Adrian Ioana Adrian Ioana (University of California San Diego)

Local Spectral Gap in Simple Lie Groups

David Kerr David Kerr (Texas AM University)

Tower Decompositions for Actions of Amenable Groups

Zhengwei Liu Zhengwei Liu (Harvard University)

Skein Theory for Subfactors

Joseph Migler Joseph Migler (Ohio State University)

Determinants in K-theory and Operator Algebras

Sorin Popa Sorin Popa (University of California Los Angeles)

Approximate equivalence of group actions

Rudy Rodsphon Rudy Rodsphon (Vanderbilt University)

Zeta Functions and Local Index Theory

Anna Skripka Anna Skripka (University of New Mexico)

Approximation of Operator Functions

Bogdan Udrea Bogdan Udrea (University of Iowa)

Generalized Q-gaussian von Neumann Algebras with Coefficients and Their Structural Properties

Wilhelm Minter Wilhelm Winter (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)


Schedule of Talks

The schedule of talks can be downloaded in pdf format here.