Chapter 7: Related Rates and Implicit Derivatives

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7.1 Differentiation with Parameters
7.2 Implicit Differentiation
7.3 Implicit Tangents and Derivatives

7.3.1 The Chain Rule as Substitution in Differentials

7.3.2 Derivatives of Inverse Functions

7.4 Related Rates - CD

Section Summary
Many applications of calculus involve different quantities that vary with time but are "linked" with one another; the time rate of change of one variable determines the time rate of change of the other. This section illustrates the idea with examples including the falling ladder.

Example CD-7.1 The Fast Lighthouse

A lighthouse is 1 mile off a straight shore with its beacon revolving 3 times per minute. How fast does the beam of light sweep down the beach at the points that are 2 miles from the point closest to the lighthouse?

The "chain" in this exercise is that the angle of the beacon depends on time and the distance to the point of contact down the beach depends on the angle. We will assume that the light revolves clockwise in the diagram Figure CD-7.1. We want to know the rate of change of distance with respect to time. We introduce the variables shown in the diagram Figure CD-7.1:

Figure CD-7.1: A lighthouse beam sweeps the shore

The link between the angle and the distance is

because D/1 is the opposite over the adjacent sides. (SOH-CAH-TOA).

The link between the time and the angle can be expressed as an explicit function, but what is important is to know the rate of change,

Because the derivative is constant, this is equivalent to , because t=0 when .

The question in this problem is


SOLUTION: Distance as an explicit function of time is

The Chain Rule gives us

This formula tells us the speed of the light's motion in terms of . Notice that is not the independent variable t, but instead is the link variable or output from the first function in the chain. We could use the first function to express the speed in terms of t, but this is neither necessary nor desirable (unless we want to know when the light gets to the point 2 miles down the beach.) In fact, it is not even necessary to know the derivative at any other time; it need not be constant as long as we know that .

The specific position when D=2 is shown in Figure CD-7.2.

Figure CD-7.2: The angle when D=2

The Pythagorean Theorem applied to Figure CD-7.2 tells us that the hypotenuse of the right triangle shown is . SOH-CAH-TOA tells us that

Finally, when D=2

COMMON ERROR: A common error in related rate problems is to fix a quantity too soon. In the example above, we want the speed when D=2; but, if we fix this position at D=2 miles down the shore before we differentiate, we get so is constant and there is nothing to differentiate. You must think about the drill problems in their general variable cases, differentiate, and then fix the quantities at the specific values.

Example CD-7.2 The Lightspeed Lighthouse

The beam of light in the previous example moves down the beach faster and faster, but real light can only move at the speed of light. The Scientific Project on the Lightspeed Lighthouse examines the example taking into account that the light must travel from the lighthouse to the shore at the speed of light.

7.5 Implicitly Linked Variables - CD

Section Summary
Implicit solutions of related rates problems often are simpler and more revealing than first solving for a quantity explicitly.

Example CD-7.3 Implicit Solution of Exercise CD-7.1

After you solve Exercise CD-7.1, you should compare your solution to the following implicit method. We begin with the equation

We are told that a and c are known exactly but that b is measured and may have some error when we determine the largest root x satisfying the equation above. In other words, the independent variable b implicitly determines the variable x. The variables in this problem are b and x, and x is the dependent variable.

The total differential of the equation is

The first term is the familiar derivative with respect to x and the second is the derivative with respect to b, thereby treating all other letters, including x, as parameters. The rate of change of x with respect to b is obtained by solving

When (a,b,c)=(1,-3,2), the largest root of the original equation is x=2, so as b varies from -3,

For example, if b+db=-3+.001=-2.99, then and x+dx=1.998. (The exact solution is .)

When (a,b,c)=(1,-2,1), the only root of the original equation is x=1. In this case, the implicit differential breaks down

This equation cannot be solved for dx. Implicit differentiation of fails in this case. We still can graph the line 0dx+db=0 in the (db,dx)-plane. The equation db=0 is the vertical dx-axis, and vertical lines do not have slopes.

Figure CD-7.3: x2+bx+1=0

Of course, this degeneracy is only a hint of the trouble in the original implicit equation. If we change b to -1.99, there are no real solutions to the original problem. The equation "branches" here between the positive discriminant and negative one, and . The vertical tangent we just computed is the tangent touching these two branches shown in Figure CD-7.3.

Differentiating the explicit function x[b] is more complicated, as you saw in Exercise CD-7.1:

The implicit and explicit formulas for dx are the same when .

Example CD-7.4 Implicit Solution of the Balloon Exercise CD-7.5.1

In Exercise CD-7.5.1, you calculate the rate of change of surface area of a balloon that is being blown up so that its volume is increasing at the rate of 2 cubic inches per second. We want to know how the rate of change of volume effects the rate of change of surface area. In the exercise, we ask you to solve explicitly for surface area as a function of volume. The implicit solution of that problem does not require that we find the explicit function.

Here is the implicit solution of the problem:

We solve the volume differential for dr, and substitute into the surface differential, , obtaining

Compare this solution with your explicit solution from Exercise CD-7.5.1 that first solves

and uses the Chain Rule to compute

Example CD-7.5 The Fast Ladder

A ladder of length L rests against a vertical wall. The bottom of the ladder is pulled out horizontally at a constant rate r (m/sec). What is the vertical speed of the tip that rests against the wall? We introduce the variables shown in Figure CD-7.4:

The length L is a parameter, fixed, but not known to us. We wish to


in terms of and the other variables.

Figure CD-7.4: Ladder and wall

The fact that the length of the ladder is fixed together with the Pythagorean Theorem gives us the implicit linkage between x and y:

The fact that there is some implicit relationship is clear physically. If we place the base of the ladder at a given x, we know that there is a unique place, y, where it will rest against the wall. We could solve the equation above for y, since only the positive solution makes physical sense, but we will leave that approach to the problem to an exercise below.

The total differential of the implicit equation is

which we can solve for . In this problem, we also know that x and y are functions of time. This means that the differentials can be expanded

Substitution of the time expressions of the differentials into the equation above yields the solution to our question:

The time rate of change of y equals the time rate of change of x times x over y and the motion is down, or y'[t] is negative. Suppose we have an enormous ladder of length 5 m. If the base rests 3 meters from the corner, then y=4. If we are pulling the base out from the wall at the rate of 1/7 m/sec, then the top is moving down the wall at the rate

If the base of this same ladder is moved to 4 meters from the corner so that y=3 and if the base is still pulled out at the speed x'[t]=1/7, then the speed down the wall is

Example CD-7.6 A Limiting Case

As we pull the base of the ladder toward the point x=L away from the wall, what happens to the speed with which the other tip moves down the wall? We can see from the diagram, Figure CD-7.5, that when , . The formula for the vertical speed tends to minus infinity.

Humm, this calculation is a little mysterious. Here is another way to look at it: Solve the equation x2+y2=L2 for and substitute into the expression for vertical speed,

Clearly, as x tends to L, tends to infinity. This is correct mathematically, and we want you to verify it in Exercise CD-7.5.2.

Exercise set CD-7.1

  1. A child is blowing up a balloon by adding air at the rate of 2 cubic inches per second. Well before it bursts, its radius is 6 inches. Assume that the balloon is a perfect sphere and find the surface area S as an explicit function of volume V. Use your explicit function to say how fast the surface is stretching at this point.

    HINTS: Give variables for surface area, volume, time, and whatever else you need. Solve for S in terms of V. The "chain" in this exercise is that volume depends on time (through the child's efforts), V=V[t] and surface area depends on volume, S=S[V]. We want to know how area changes with time, , where S=S[V[t]]. (See review Exercise CD-28.3.2 to express surface area as an explicit function of volume.)

  2. The Explicit Fast Ladder
    Solve the equation x2+y2=L2 for . Use the fact that x=x[t] is a function of time together with the Chain Rule to show that

    Verify that this model predicts that as x approaches L, the speed of the tip resting on the wall tends to infinity.

    The result of the previous exercise is wrong for a real ladder. The tip of such a ladder cannot go faster than the speed of light. There is a physical condition that this simple mathematical model does not take into account. The real falling ladder is explored in the Scientific Projects Chapter on Mechanics. It uses Galileo's Law of Gravity from Chapter 9.

  3. Related Rates Drill
    • 1. Each edge of a cube is expanding at the rate of 3 inches per second. How fast is the volume expanding at the point where the volume equals 64 cubic inches?
    • 2. Each edge of a cube is expanding at the rate of 3 inches per second. How fast is the surface area expanding at the point where the volume equals 64 cubic inches?
    • 3. A 6-foot man walks away from an 8-foot lamp at the rate of 5 feet per second. How fast is his shadow growing at the point where he is 7 feet from the lamp?
    • 4. A snowball melts at a rate proportional to its surface area, that is, it loses volume per unit time in this proportion. Say the constant of proportionality is k. What is , the rate of change of radius with respect to time?
    • 5. Your snow-cone has melted filling the conical holder with sticky liquid. The liquid is dripping from the point at the bottom at the rate of 1 liter per hour. If the cone is 7 centimeters high and 5 centimers in diameter at the top, what is the rate of change of the height of the liquid when half of it has leaked out? (Note: The volume of a cone of height h and base radius r is .)

7.6 Projects

7.6.1 Dad's Disaster

7.6.2 The Inverse Function Rule

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