Chapter 6: Symbolic Differentiation

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6.1 Rules for Special Functions

6.2 The Superposition Rule

6.2.1 Symbolic Differentiation with the Computer

6.3 The Product Rule

6.4.1 The Microscope Approximation and Rules of Differentiation
6.4 The Chain Rule

6.4.2 The Everyday Meaning of the Chain Rule

6.5 General Exponentials

6.6 Derivative of the Natural Log

6.7 Combined Symbolic Rules

6.7.1 The Quotient Rule

6.7.2 The Relative Growth Rule

6.8 Review - Inside the Microscope

6.8.1 Review - Numerical Increments

6.9.1 Differentials and the (x,y)-Equation of the Tangent Line
6.9 Projects

6.9.2 Functional Identities

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