Project 35: Drug Dynamics and Pharmacokinetics

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Differential equations are useful in studying the dynamics of a drug in the body. The study of such dynamics is called "pharmacokinetics." Here is a basic example. Suppose a drug is introduced into the blood stream, say by an intravenous injection. The injection rapidly mixes with the whole blood supply and produces a high concentration of the drug everywhere in the blood. Several tissues will readily absorb the drug when its concentration is higher in the blood than in the tissue, so the drug moves into this second tissue "compartment." If this were the whole story, the concentration would eventually balance out so that the concentration in blood and tissue were both equal to the total amount of drug divided by the total volume. However, this usually is not the end of the story.

The kidneys remove the drug from the blood at a rate proportional to the blood concentration. This causes the blood concentration to drop, and eventually it drops below the tissue concentration. At that point, the drug flows from tissue back into the blood and is continually eliminated from the blood by the kidneys. In the long term, the drug concentration tends to zero in both blood and tissue. The speeds with which these various things happen is the subject of pharmacokinetics.

Figure 35.1: two-compartments

Why should we care about such dynamics? Some drugs have undesirable, or even dangerous, side effects if their concentration is too high. At the same time those drugs must be above a certain concentration to be effective for their intended use. As the drug is eliminated from the body, doses need to be given periodically in order to maintain the threshold level for effectiveness, yet doses cannot be too frequent or too large or the concentration will exceed a dangerous level.

This project studies the basic dynamics of the two-compartment drug model. Projects 15 and 16 study some important consequences of these dynamics. The "two-compartment model" corresponds to the previous story. More complicated dynamics might include an intramuscular injection that first diffuses into the blood stream, then into perfuse tissue, and finally is eliminated by the kidneys. Another dynamic might be a drug that is metabolized while it is in the tissue compartment.

The actual "compartments" can vary according to the drug. For example, "blood volume" often includes highly perfused lean tissue such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidney tissue, endocrine glands and occasionally the brain and spinal system (since these often present different barriers to drugs). In these cases, "tissue volume" consists of muscle and skin. Another possible "compartment" is the fat group, adipose and marrow. The anticoagulant warfarin (used as a blood thinner and in rat killer) becomes bound to a protein in the blood. It is not absorbed in tissue, but the bound state forms a second "compartment."

For now we just consider a drug that is introduced into the blood, diffuses into, tissue and is eliminated by the kidneys. Some of the drugs that fit the two-compartment model are aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid); creatinine, a metabolite of creatine produced by muscle contraction or degeneration; aldosterone; griseofulvin (an antifungus drug); and lecithin.


The primary quantity we wish to measure is the drug concentration in the blood. That concentration is a function of time and is quickly and directly affected by the concentration of the drug in the tissue.

  • % Show that the units of the drug concentrations in mg/l are equal to units of micrograms per milliliter, so that we might measure the number of micrograms in a milliliter of a patient's blood, rather than the number of milligrams in a liter of the blood....

    Each drug and each patient have certain important constants associated with them. In the complete story these will have to be measured.


    Concentration is an amount per unit volume. Suppose that a patient has 2.10 liters of blood and that 0.250 grams of a substance is introduced into his blood. When mixed, the concentration becomes .

  • Secondary Variables
    Give a general formula to convert the blood and tissue concentrations into the actual total amounts of the drug in the blood or tissue at a given time,

    Suppose a patient has vB=2.10 and vT=1.30. If cB[t] and cT[t] were known functions, what would the amounts aB[t] and aT[t] be?

    35.1 Derivation of the Equations of Change

    The primary dynamic mechanism for moving the drug into tissue is a "concentration gradient." If the blood concentration is higher than the tissue concentration, there is a flow of the drug from the blood into the tissue. The simplest relationship would be a linear one,

    We use the parameter k1 for the constant of proportionality. Suppose that this patient has no kidneys, so there is no elimination (or metabolism) of the drug. Then we have the rate of decrease of cB equal to the negative derivative,

  • % What are the units of ? What does this force the units of k1 to be?

    The drug that flows from blood to tissue is neither created nor destroyed in our model. We need to account for this amount in the equation for the rate of change of the tissue concentration, . Consider the case of our hypothetical patient with a blood volume of 2.10 liters and tissue volume of 1.30 liters. If cB is reduced by 10.0mg/l in an hour, then the amount of drug that has left in the hour is (Note units: mg/l l = mg). This raises the amount of drug in the tissue by 21mg, but the concentration in the tissue goes up by 21/ Notice the units in our calculations and use them in the next exercise.

  • % What is the rate of change of the amount of drug in the blood, , in terms of patient parameters and ?

    What is the rate of change of the amount of drug in the tissue, , in terms of patient parameters and ?

    Show that

    where k2=k1vB/vT.

    Finally, we shall hypothesize a linear elimination law for a patient with kidneys, that is,

    so that the two terms reducing blood concentration are

  • The Dynamics
    Begin your project with an explanation of the pharmacological meaning of the equations:

    Give the units of your variables and parameters and explain why the parameters vB, vT, k1 and k3, but not k2, need to be measured.

    Now we want to begin with some numerical experiments to get a feel for the model.

  • Numerical Experiments with No Kidneys
    Modify the AccDEsol program to find some explicit solutions of the concentration equations. Your initial experiment might look as follows: f := -(k1 + k3) cB + k1 cT;

    g := k2 cB - k2 cT;

    k1 = 0.17;

    k2 = k1vB/vT;

    k3 = 0.0 (*No kidney function.*);

    ti = 0.0 (*Initial time.*);

    cBi = 47.7 (*Initial blood concentration.*);

    cTi = 0.0 (*Initial tissue concentration.*);

    tfinal = 10 ;

    dt = .1 ;

    AccDEsol[{1,f,g},{t,cB,cT},{ti,cBi,cTi},tfinal,dt]; (*Use the AccDEsol pgm.*)

    Once you have your program working properly, compute what happens to a patient with these parameters after 48 hours. Your graphs should look like Figure 35.8.

    : Forty-eight Hours without Kidneys
  • Equilibrium without Kidneys
    A patient with no kidneys, vB=2.10, vT=1.30, and k1=0.17 is administered 100mg of a drug that is not metabolized. What will his blood concentration be after 48 hours? (Hints: What is the total amount of drug in his body? What is the total volume? What is the connection between amount and concentration?)

    A patient is administered an initial amount aI of drug. Show that the initial blood concentration is cI=aI/vB. Let be an unknown amount for the equilibrium concentration. Show that the equilibrium amount of drug in the blood is and the equilibrium amount of drug in tissue is , for a total . Set this equal to aI and solve for ?

    The graphs above show that cB and cT both tend to a limit as t tends to infinity,

    Why do both variables tend to this limit? What is a formula for this limiting concentration, , in terms of patient parameters and initial dose?

    Your next task is to view these solutions from the point of view of the flow solutions. This lets us see many initial conditions at once.

  • The Flow Picture without Kidneys
    Modify the Flow2D program to check a number of equilibria, but with many initial doses. Your program might look as follows: f := -(k1 + k3) cB + k1 cT;

    g := k2 cB - k2 cT;

    k1 = 0.17;

    k2 = k1vB/vT;

    k3 = 0.0 (*No kidney function.*);

    initDoses = Table[{c,0},{c,0,100,5}]

    initConcs = initDoses/vB;

    tfinal = 48 ;

    dt = .1 ;

    numgraphs = 10 ;

    flow2D[ {f,g}, {cB,cT}, initConcs, tfinal, dt, numgraphs ];

    Figure 35.2: No Kidney Equilibria for Various Doses

  • Conjecture
    Describe the flow animation of the patient with no kidneys. What are the apparent paths of the solutions? What is the locus of points where the solutions end up? Is there more than one equilibrium point?

    The solutions of the flow animation are surprisingly simple and yet not "typical" of the main examples studied in Chapters 23 and 24 of the core text. However, what you see is indeed correct. Things do flow along parallel lines toward another line of equilibria in the phase plane.

  • Symbolic Proofs for a Degenerate System