Chapter 2: Using Calculus to Model Epidemics

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2.1 The First Model

2.1.1 Basic Assumptions

2.1.2 Variables for Model 1

2.1.3 Derivation of the Equations of Change

2.1.4 Parameters of the S-I-R Model

2.3.1 The First Equations of Change
2.2 Shortening the Time Steps
2.3 The Continuous Variable Model

2.3.2 The Continuous S-I-R Variables

2.5.1 S-I-R Differential Equations
2.4 Analysis of Change
2.5 Long-Term Change

2.6 Calculus and the S-I-R Invariant

2.7 Chapter Summary

2.8 Projects

2.8.1 The New York Flu Epidemic

2.8.2 Vaccination Strategies for Herd Immunity

2.8.3 Endemic S-I-S Diseases

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