Linearity in function notation has a peculiar appearance.
This is not difficult, just different.
The exercises of this section give the linear case of the main formula underlying differential calculus,
We want to consider the linear equation as a function, f[x]=mx+b, and compare perturbed values of the function symbolically and graphically. Some numerical computations may help get you started, but you should try to understand the fundamental role of the parameters m and b in general.
i) Express your answer in terms of m, b, x, and
ii) Express your answer in terms of f[x] and
The important formula of the previous exercise is not true for nonlinear functions.
It fails in two ways.
Consider f[x]=ax2, for example.
If I say, "add 1 to x and tell me how much f changes," you can only answer in terms of x.
The function f[x]=ax2 is smooth, so it satisfies the increment approximation