Project 52: The Big Bite of the Subtraction Bug

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When computers do arithmetic with fixed length decimal (or binary) approximations, numbers of vastly different sizes cannot be accurately subtracted. For example, one million and one, , represented to only six decimals is . The difference between one million and one and one million is one, 1,000,001-1,000,000=1, but if this is done with a six-decimal machine, the difference is zero, . In this example, the baby is thrown out with the bath water, and there is 100% loss of accuracy. This kind of loss of a significant portion of the small difference between two relative large numbers plagues numerical computation.

The one general kind of series whose error term is the size of the next term is an alternating series of decreasing size terms,

where |an|>|an+1|. However, these series are not reliable to use in floating point computations, because of the subtraction bug. The computer can do symbolic computations and simplify symbolically before evaluating numerically, so there are various ways for you to try computations that involve close differences of large numbers.

  • Here is one way to sum the series for the natural exponential:

    T = 1;

    S = 1;

    x = -30.0;

    a = Exp[x];


    T = T x/k;

    S = S + T;

    Print["S =",S," k = ",k,"Sum = ",a,"T = ", T]


    If the arithmetic is done with perfect accuracy, after 30 terms, the terms decrease and the error should be no more than the next term. At k=100 you will see that the predicted accuracy is quite high, but you will also see that the estimate is wrong.

    Compare this sum with 1/S when you run the program with x=+30.0. Since the sum with x=+30 is approximately e30 and since 1/330=e-30, these should be approximately equal. Are they actually?

    Compare your summation with the computer's built-in algorithm, for example,



    Mathematicacan do this sum with its built-in sum command in two ways,

    x = 30;

    N[Sum[ xn/n! , {n,0,100}]]


    x = 30.0;

    Sum[ xn/n! , {n,0,100}]

    Also try to sum symbolically first with

    Sym = Together[Sum[yn/n!,{n,0,100}]];

    y = -30;

    Print[Sym , N[Sym]]

    The numerical sum methods will give different answers that are not accurate because of the subtraction bug, but the specifics depend on your particular machine!

    Watch out for the subtraction bug, it could sneak up and bite your computer.

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