One can build an r-c circuit with two loops that has the property that there is a local minimum in its response to oscillatory forcing. This local minimum can be used to filter out that frequency.
We derive the equations of the system using Kirchhoff's laws for voltage and current, Ohm's law for resistors, and Coulomb's law for capacitors. Kirchhoff's voltage law says that the signed sum of voltages around a closed loop is zero. Kirchhoff's current law says the signed sum of all currents into a node is zero.
The currents are shown in Figure 38.1. There is no current through the open output voltage location eout. At the central node, i1 and i2 come in, while i3 goes out, so we must have i3=i1+i2, eliminating i3.
Ohm's law says that the voltage across a resistor of resistance r carrying a current i is
Coulomb's law says that the voltage across a capacitor of capacitance c with a charge q is
Current is a flow of charge, or charge is an accumulation of current.
By the second half of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (see Chapter 12 of the core text),
We are interested in the way the steady-state solution for eout[t] depends on
Now we turn our attention to the steady-state solution when
aY = 1/(m n r c)
bX = 1/(n r c)
bY = (1/(m n r c) + 1/(m r c))
mat = {{-aX, aY,-w,0},
rhs = {0,0,0,-1/r}
{h1,h2,k1,k2} = LinearSolve[mat,rhs]
Now we may use the trig trick of Hint 37.2.1 to write
k3 = Simplify[k1/c - k2/(m c) + 1]
a2 = Simplify[ (h3)
We can also use
Show that we should also have
Recall that we seek a minimum of the output amplitude,
Although the output expression from the computer looks pretty complicated, we know that we need to look for critical points in order to minimize.
We also need some additional information, since we do not have a compact interval minimization problem.
The computer can differentiate for us.
What is the maximum of
Round out your project with some specific choices of the parameters and a plot of the amplitude as a function of frequency.
, so the voltages across the resistors are
with the sign in the direction of the currents.
. Charge is the integral of the current passing through it, so
with the sign in the direction of the currents.
so we may express the resistor voltages as
The sum of the voltages around the upper loop makes
The sum of voltages around the lower loop makes
We substitute the first equation above for
on the right side to obtain the pair of equations,
This is a nonautonomous linear system of the form
where the forcing term is f[t]=ein[t]/r, ,
, and
Use Theorem 24.3 of the core text to show that all solutions of
tend to zero as
, when ax, ay, and by are as above. (Note: by>ay.)
in the case where
. Applications of Kirchhoff's voltage law around different loops give two different expressions for the output voltage:
, or
We will assume that the solution of the forced equations
may be written in the form
By substituting these forms into the equations, we will be able to solve for the constants h1, h2, k1, k2 and verify our assumption.
h3 = Simplify[h1/c - h2/(m c)]
2 + (k3)
2 ]
and verify that this agrees with your other expression for
with help from the computer.
, because we want to design the circuit to minimize its response to certain frequencies,
. How do we minimize a function
defined for
da = Simplify[D[a2,w]]
is a positive multiple of
has a minimum at
. Be complete in your reasoning.
Why can't the minimum occur between 0 and
? Why can't the minimum occur between
Figure 38.2: A Minimal Response to Forcing