Selected preprints and publications:

Title Co-authors Status Link
The focusing cubic NLS in exterior domains in three dimensions Rowan Killip
Monica Visan
To appear in Appl. Math. Res. eXpress arXiv:1501.05062
Quintic NLS in the exterior of a strictly convex obstacle Rowan Killip
Monica Visan
To appear in Amer. J. Math. arXiv:1208.4904
Riesz transforms outside a convex obstacle Rowan Killip
Monica Visan
Int. Math. Res. Not. 2015 (2015), doi:
Remarks of global wellposedness of liquid crystal flows
and heat flows of harmonic maps in two dimensions
Zhen Lei
Dong Li
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc 142 (2014),
no. 11, 3801-3810
Global well-posedness and scattering for defocusing energy critical
NLS in the exterior of balls with radial data
Dong Li
Hart Smith
Math. Res. Lett. 19 (2012),
no. 1, 212-232
Smooth global solutions for the two dimensional Euler Poisson system Juhi Jang
Dong Li
Forum. Math. 26 (2014)
no. 3, 645-701
Dynamics for the energy critical nonlinear wave
equation in high dimensions
Dong Li Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011),
no. 3, 1137-1160
Regularity of almost periodic modulo scaling solutions
for mass-critical NLS and applications
Dong Li Anal. PDE 3 (2010), no. 2, 175-195 arXiv:0911.4746
Characterization of minimal-mass blowup solutions
to the focusing mass-critical NLS
Rowan Killip
Dong Li
Monica Visan
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 41 (2009)
no. 1, 219-236
Dynamics for the energy critical nonlinear
Schrodinger equation in high dimensions
Dong Li J. Funct. Anal. 256 (2009),
no. 6, 1928-1961
The mass-critical nonlinear Schrodinger equation
with radial data in dimensions three and higher
Rowan Killip
Monica Visan
Anal. PDE 1 (2008)
no 2, 229-266
Energy-critical NLS with quadratic potentials Rowan Killip
Monica Visan
Comm. PDE 34 (2009),
no. 10-12, 1531-1565
Global well-posedness and scattering for the mass-critical nonlinear
Schrodinger equation for radial data in high dimensions
Terence Tao
Monica Visan
Duke Math. J. 140 (2007)
no. 1, 165-202
Minimal-mass blowup solutions of the mass-critical NLS Terence Tao
Monica Visan
Forum Math 20 (2008)
no. 5, 881-919
The nonlinear Schrodinger equation with combined power-type nonlinearities Terence Tao
Monica Visan
Comm. PDE 32 (2007)
no. 7-9, 1281-1343
