Fax: (319) 335-0627
Research Interests and Gauss Curvature-Colored Surfaces
Harmonic Sections of Geometric Bundles
Kahler Geometry
Hodge Theory and Higgs Bundles
here to see an animated version
this family of surfaces. Or right click and choose "Save Target As" or "Save Link As"
to download a QuickTime movie (.mov file) of this animation.
For more Differential Geometry graphics please
visit the
Differential Geometry Images
Course Links
Mathematical Induction notes
22M:033 Engineering Math III: Matrix Algebra.
Mathematica matrix command file
for files I've used in math teacher professional development courses.
The SMARTS (Science and Mathematics Avenues to Renewed Teachers and Students)
project is a three-year 2005-2008 Mathematics-Science Partnership Grant from the Iowa Department of Education.
The University of Iowa Science Education Center and the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics ,
Grant Wood Area Education Agency science and mathematics consultants
and representatives from local school districts have been awarded a 3 - year professional
development grant called the SMARTS Project.
This project targets teams
(4-6) of elementary teachers of mathematics and/or science. The purposes of the project are
1) enhance science and mathematics instruction through an inquiry approach, 2) improve student achievement,
and 3) nurture collaboration among participating teacher teams.
Additional S.M.A.R.T.S. Information
The University of Iowa Mathematics Education Program, Grant Wood Area Education Agency mathematics consultants and
representatives from three local school districts were awarded a 3 - year (2008-2011) professional
development grant called the EMPOWERR (Elementary Mathematics Partnership Opening Windows to Excellence, Rigor and Relevance)
Project. This project targeted elementary teachers of mathematics in grades 1-6. The project purposes were to: 1) enhance mathematics
instruction through a problem-based / inquiry approach, 2) improve student achievement, and 3) nurture collaboration among participating
teacher teams.