Chapter 13: Symbolic Integration

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13.1 Indefinite Integrals

13.2 Specific Integral Formulas

13.3 Superposition of Antiderivatives

13.4 "Substitution" for Integrals

13.5 Change of Limits of Integration

13.5.1 Integration with Parameters

13.6 Trig Substitutions - CD

Section Summary
Study this section if you have a personal need to compute integrals with one of the following expressions (and do not have your computer):

You should skim read this section even if you do not wish to develop this skill because the positive sign needed to go between

can cause errors in the use of a symbolic integration package. In other words, the computer may use the symbolic square root when you intend for it to use the negative.

Example CD-13.1 A Trigonometric Change of Variables

The following integral comes from computing the area of a circle using the integral. A sine substitution makes it one we can antidifferentiate with two tricks from trig.

because we take the substitution

We know from high school trig that , so, when the cosine is positive, and

We also know from high school trig (or looking at the graph and thinking a little) that , so

because we use another change of variables


as we could have easily seen by sketching a graph of from 0 to , with equal areas above and below the -axis.

Putting all these computations together, we have

One explanation why the change of variables in the previous example works is that sine and cosine yield parametric equations for the unit circle. More technically speaking, the (Pythagorean Theorem) identity

becomes the identity when we let . There is an important algebraic detail when we write

This is false when cosine is negative. For the definite integral above, we wanted and chose to put in this range. It is also true that for this range of , so that

If the cosine were not positive in the range of interest, the integration would not be valid. More information on this difficulty is contained in the Mathematical Background Chapter on Differentiation Drill.

An expression such as can first be reduced to a multiple of by taking u=x/a and writing . This means that the expression can be converted to with the substitutions u=(x/a)2 and (provided cosine is positive on the interval).

Notice that the substitution converts into , provided sine is positive. Also note that sine is positive over a different range of angles than cosine.

Another trig identity says

If we make a change of variable , then u2+1 becomes and provided secant is positive.

Example CD-13.2 The Sine Substitution Without Endpoints

The "cost" of not changing limits of integration in Example CD-13.1 is the following: The same tricks as above for indefinite integrals yield

where and . If we really want the antiderivative of , then we must express all this in terms of u.

The first term is easy, we just use the inverse trig function

The term must first be written in terms of functions of , (recall the addition formula for sine),

Now, we use a triangle that contains the idea. From SOH-CAH-TOA, if we take a right triangle with hypotenuse 1 and opposite side u, then (see Figure CD-13.1). We also know that is the adjacent side of this triangle. Using the Pythagorean Theorem, we have

Figure CD-13.1: and

Combining these facts we have,


Exercise set CD-13.1

  1. Geometric Proof that
    Sketch the graph for . What geometrical shape is shown in your graph? What is the area of one fourth of a circle of unit radius?

  2. Compute the integral . (Check your symbolic computation geometrically).

    Use the change of variable with an appropriate differential to show that

    How large can we take v?

    Use the change of variable with an appropriate differential to show that

    How large can we take v?

  3. Working Back from Trig Substitutions
    Suppose we make the change of variable (as in the integration above). Express in terms of u by using Figure CD-13.1 and TOA.

    A triangle is shown in Figure CD-13.2 for a change of variable . Express and in terms of v by using the figure and the Pythagorean Theorem.

    A triangle is shown in Figure CD-13.2 for a change of variable . Express and in terms of w by using the figure and the Pythagorean Theorem.

    Figure CD-13.2: Triangles for = CAH and = TOA

We are beginning to wallow a little too deeply in trig. The point of the previous example could simply be: change the limits of integration when you change variable and differential. However, it is possible to change back to u, and the previous exercise gives you a start on the trig skills needed to do this.

Problem CD-13.1 A Constant

Use the change of variable with an appropriate differential to show that

Also, use the change of variable with an appropriate differential to show that

Is ? Ask the computer to Plot and . Why do they look alike? How do they differ? Do the graphs of and look alike? How do they differ?

13.7 Integration by Parts

13.8 Impossible Integrals

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