Mathematical Biology Seminar

 Mathematical Biology Lunch Meetings

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The Mathematical Biology Seminar is held every Monday between 3:30-4:20 PM in 214 MLH (Spring 2014)

Math Bio Lunch is held every Friday between 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM in B11 MLH (Spring 2014)

Math Bio Group News

Professor Bruce Ayati received a courtesy secondary appointment in the Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, effective Jan 1, 2013

Professor Bruce Ayati is an investigator on the NIH NIAMS CORT grant "Innovations to Assess and Forestall Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis"

Professor Rodica Curtu is a co-organizer of the Conference Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Methods: From Neuroscience to Other Biological Applications to be held in Pittsburgh, PA between March 10-12, 2014.

Professor Rodica Curtu is a recipient of a 2013 Simons Fellowship in Mathematics to support her research on perceptual rivalry induced by auditory stimuli.

Professor Rodica Curtu has been awarded an American Women in Mathematics (AWM-NSF) Travel grant.

Professor Rodica Curtu gave an invited talk at the international workshop Spatio-temporal evolution equations and neural fields in Luminy-Marseille, France (Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques).

Professor Bruce Ayati gave an invited talk on "Mathematical Descriptions of Bone Remodeling Dynamics" at the International Myeloma Workshop 2011 in Paris, France.

Professor Colleen Mitchell has been awarded a Collegiate Teaching Award by the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Iowa. Citing from the award nomination: This is a recognition of ''her dedication to her field and her ability to inspire others to become passionate about mathematics''.

Professor Rodica Curtu has been awarded as a Co-PI the NSF BCS-1029082 grant The Emergence of Cognitive Flexibility in Neural-Behavioral Systems. This project involves a multidisciplinary team of investigators from Psychology (John Spencer, Richard Hazeltine), Radiology (Vincent Magnotta), Mathematics (Rodica Curtu) and Neuroinformatics (Gregor Schoner).

Professor Colleen Mitchell has been awarded the NSF DMS-1022466 grant The role of Cardiac Caveolae in Healthy and diseased Hearts. Her collaborator is Erwin Shibata from the Department of Physiology (University of Iowa).

Professor Rodica Curtu has been awarded as a Co-PI the NSF DMS-1025483 grant CMG Research: On the Quest for Power Laws in Floods: Developing Numerical and Analytical Tools. This project involves an interdisciplinary team from Hydrology (Witold Krajewski, Ricardo Mantilla) and Mathematics (Rodica Curtu, Laurent Jay).

Graduate student Danilo Diedrichs participated to the highly competitive and very intensive Computational Cell Biology Course at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, July 2 - 22, 2010.

Professor Rodica Curtu is a recipient of a 2010 University of Iowa Presidential Faculty Fellowship Award. The fellowship sponsored Professor Curtu's research on the modeling of the Unfolding Protein Response in mammalian cells.

Graduate student Jeannine Abiva participated to the Okinawa Computational Neuroscience Course 2010 at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, June 13 - July 2, 2010. The acceptance rate was high, of 28 accepted students out of 145 applicants.

Professor Isabel Darcy was a lecturer and graduate student Candice Price was an assistant at the DNA Topology Course 2009, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, November 2 - 7, 2009.

Professor Bruce Ayati and graduate student Jason Graham are co-authors of the paper "A Spatial Model of Tumor-Host Interaction: Application of Chemotherapy" that made the front cover of the issue Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 6(3), 2009.

Professor Bruce Ayati has been awarded the NSF DMS-0914514 grant Applied Numerical Mathematics of Structured Multiscale Models of Biological Systems.

Graduate students Jason Graham and Wela Yong participated in the Mathematical Biosciences Institute summer program Mathematical Ecology and Evolution, Columbus OH, July 27-August 14, 2009.

Graduate student Candice Price attended the conference From DNA-Inspired Physics to Physics-Inspired Biology, Trieste, Italy, June 1 - 5, 2009.

Graduate students Soojeong Kim, Hyeyoung Moon and Candice Price participated in the International Centre for Theoretical Physics summer program Advanced School & Conference on Knot theory and its Applications to Physics and Biology, Trieste, Italy, May 11-31, 2009.

Our mathematical biology group has been featured in the Mathematical Biosciences Institute Newsletter 4 (2), pages 8-9.

Professor Isabel Darcy has been awarded the NSF grant Collaborative Research: Energetics of DNA Tangling in Complex Nucleoprotein Assemblies ($1.9 million over 5 years). Her collaborator is Steve Levene from University of Texas at Dallas.

2014 Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Methods: From Neuroscience to Other Biological Applications
Conference held in honor of G. Bard Ermentrout's 60th birthday

2012 Third Annual Rockwell Lecture
Guest speaker: Suncica Canic   (Cullen Distinguished Professor of Mathematics, Director of the Center for the Mathematical Bioscience, University of Houston)       -   10/3/2012
Title: What do cardiovascular stents, the World Trade Center, and carbon nano-tubes have in common?
Host: Tong Li

2011 Seventh University of Iowa Miniconference on Mathematical Biology (Topic: Mathematical and Computational Neuroscience)
Guest speaker: Bard Ermentrout   (Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh)       -   3/28/2011
Title: Double or Nothing: Phosphenes and the Periodic Driving of Cortex
Host: Rodica Curtu

2011 Sixth University of Iowa Miniconference on Mathematical Biology (Topic: DNA Topology)
Guest speaker: Lynn Zechiedrich  (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas)       -   3/21/2011
Title: Biological applications that utilize DNA Topology
Host: Isabel Darcy

2010 Fifth University of Iowa Miniconference on Mathematical Biology (Topic: Computational Fluid Dynamics in Mathematical Biology)
Guest speaker: Lisa Fauci  (Department of Mathematics, Tulane University)       -   4/9/2010
Title: Understanding swimming at low Reynolds numbers: successes and challenges
Host: Bruce Ayati

2010 Fourth University of Iowa Miniconference on Mathematical Biology (Topic: From Experiment to Modeling)
Guest speaker: Malgorzata Kotulska   (Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University & Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)       -   3/8/2010
Title: Biological nanopores - from experiment to modeling
Host: Isabel Darcy

2010 Third University of Iowa Miniconference on Mathematical Biology (Topic: Modeling of Inflammation)
Guest speaker: Jonathan Rubin   (Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh)       -   2/12/2010
Title: Minimal models of inflammation and physiology: clinical insights and mathematical issues
Host: Rodica Curtu

2009 Second University of Iowa Miniconference on Mathematical Biology (Topic: Mathematical Neuroscience)
Guest speaker: David Terman  (Department of Mathematics, Ohio State University)       -   11/12/2009
Title: Mathematical modeling issues related to Parkinson's disease
Host: Rodica Curtu

2009 First University of Iowa Miniconference on Mathematical Biology (Topic: Mathematical Cardiology and Cell Biology)
Guest speaker: Greg Smith  (Department of Applied Sciences, The College of William and Mary, VA)       -   11/2/2009
Title: Modeling the stochastic dynamics of localized calcium elevations and whole cell calcium responses
Host: Colleen Mitchell

2009 Distinguished Visitor Lecture Series
Martin Golubitsky  (Ohio State University and The Mathematical Biosciences Institute)       -   3/4/2009, 3/5/2009, 3/6/2009
Titles: (1) Symmetry Breaking and Synchrony Breaking; (2) Bifurcations and Dynamics on Networks; (3) Geometric Visual Hallucinations

2007 Distinguished Visitor Lecture Series
James Keener   (University of Utah)      -   11/28/2007, 11/29/2007, 11/30/2007
Titles: (1) Arrhythmias by Dimension; (2) How cells make measurements; (3) Modelling Stochastic Calcium Oscillations

Invited Colloquium Speakers/ Seminar Speakers/ Visitors

Peter Latham   (Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London, UK)       -   10/11/2012
Title: Olfaction as probabilistic inference

Suncica Canic   (Cullen Distinguished Professor of Mathematics, Director of the Center for the Mathematical Bioscience, University of Houston)       -   10/3/2012
Title: Fluid-Structure Interaction in Blood Flow: Modeling, Analysis, and Numerical Simulation

Anne J. Shiu   (L.E. Dickson Instructor and NSF Postdoc Department of Mathematics; University of Chicago)       -   10/1/2012
Title: Chemical reaction systems with toric steady states

Charles Brenner   (Departments of Biochemistry & Internal Medicine; University of Iowa)       -   04/16/2012
Title: Modeling metabolism in yeast

Donghai Dai   (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; University of Iowa)       -   2/14/2011
Title: Mathematical interpretation of prevailing hypotheses of human cancer

Michael Schultz   (Department of Radiology & Radiation Oncology; University of Iowa)       -   2/4/2011
Title: Drug targeting: development of an effective therapy of metastatic melanoma

Thomas Casavant   (Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology; University of Iowa)       -   10/22/2010
Title: Bioinformatics at Iowa: From Theory to Practice

Cory Howk   (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; University of Iowa)       -   10/18/2010
Title: A mathematical model for IL6-induced differentiation of neural progenitor cells

Carson Chow   (National Institutes of Health)       -   4/26/2010
Title: Bayesian approaches for parameter estimation and model evaluation of dynamical systems

Vladimir Itskov   (University of Nebraska)       -   3/30/2010
Title: The geometry of memory patterns in recurrent networks

Carina Curto   (University of Nebraska)       -   3/29/2010
Title: Stimulus space topology and geometry from neural activity

Tara Smith   (Department of Epidemiology; University of Iowa)       -   2/1/2010
Title: Agriculture and Staphylococcusaureus: unanswered questions and research opportunities

John Spencer   (Department of Psychology; University of Iowa)       -   11/30/2009
Title: Closing the loop on developmental dynamics

Bob McMurray   (Department of Psychology; University of Iowa)       -   11/16/2009
Title: What can we learn from models of language processes (that we couldn't learn from behavior)?

Anastasios Matzavinos   (Iowa State University)       -   10/22/2009
Title: Spectral clustering methods in data processing and image analysis

Steven J. Smith   (Truman State University, MO)       -   4/6/2009
Title: Optimal Control and the Harvesting of a Continuous Age-Structured Population

Paul Abbas   (Speech Pathology and Audiology; University of Iowa)       -   12/1/2008
Title: Modeling of responses of the auditory nerve to electrical stimulation: Applications to cochlear implants

Tom Rutkowski   (Anatomy and Cell Biology; University of Iowa)       -   11/3/2008
Title: Cellular integration of stress response pathways: a matter of life and death

Roman Borisyuk   (University of Plymouth, UK)      -   5/8/2008
Title: Partial synchronization of neural activity and modelling of visual perception and attention

Suzanne Lenhart   (University of Tennessee)       -   4/1/2008
Title: Rabies in Raccoons: Optimal Control for a Discrete Time Model on a Spatial Grid

Samuel Isaacson   (University of Utah)      -   2/14/2008
Title: Mathematical Problems From Molecular Cell Biology

Pranay Goel   (Laboratory of Biological Modeling; NIDDK, NIH)       -   2/12/2008
Title: Diabetes and dynamics: The mathematical physiology of beta-cells and the Islets of Langerhans

Yongcheng Zhou   (University of California, San Diego)       -   2/8/2008
Title: Continuum modeling of macromolecular electrostatics and conformal change: mathematical analysis

Paula Budu-Grajdeanu   (Ohio State University)      -   2/6/2008
Title: The LifeLine-Vascular Access for Hemodialysis

Pranay Goel   (Laboratory of Biological Modeling; NIDDK, NIH)      -   12/6/2007
Title: Microdomains in the cell: how calcium mediates stimulus-function coupling in excitable tissues. A multiscale approach

Carlos Castillo-Chavez  (Arizona State University)       -   12/6/2007
Title: Disease Dynamics and Evolution: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century


1) Creating a mathematical multimedia slideshow in Beamer (The complete list of files is here .)

2) Designing a research poster in Beamer

3) Writing a bibliography in Latex (The complete list of files is here .)