Ivan Avramidi
Review of Wavelets through a Looking Glass: The World of the Spectrum by Ola Bratteli and Palle Jorgensen, Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, Birkhäuser, Boston, 2002.
This is a very well written book on the theory of wavelets and its applications. The presentation is self-contained and may serve as an introduction for someone who wants to learn about this topic. It also is an excellent book for those who have an advanced graduate degree in applied mathematics since it demonstrates how to truly understand complex concepts. This book gives a general presentation of some recent developments in wavelet theory with an emphasis on techniques that have a geometric and spectral-theoretic flavor. It can be certainly used as a textbook for graduate students as well as as a reference book for the specialists and researchers. A very nice feature of the book are the tutorials at the beginning of each chapter and some sections, which serve as summaries of main ideas and guides through the background ideas and motivation. At the end of every chapter there are plenty of excercises of various level of difficulty. Overall, this is a great book and I recommend it highly to a motivated reader.