Data Analysis with TDA Mapper
Spring 2017 Section 0001: 11:00A - 12:15P TTh 113 MLH
Instructor: Dr. Isabel K. Darcy,
Department of Mathematics and AMCS,
University of Iowa
Office:B1H MLH
Phone: 335- 0778
Email: isabel-darcy AT
Office hours: Tuesdays/Thursday 8:50 - 9:15am, 12:30 - 1:35pm and by appointment.
DEO Contact Information: Dan Anderson, 14 MLH,
Course Description: Research experience; students study an elementary topic of active research, then work either individually or in groups under faculty supervision. The Spring 2015 course will focus TDA mapper.Prerequisite: Linear algebra (may be taken concurrently with consent of instructor).
Objectives and Goals of the Course: To learn introductory research skills. This course will be individualized to meet the interests and background of each participant.
Texts: None
Quizzes and Homework: Many lectures will have a short online quiz associated to them. Quizzes will focus on the basics and important points. Note, you do not need to take and/or pass all quizzes. Each point you earn on a quiz will be added to your point grade.
Midterm: 100 points. Tentative date: Tuesday March 7.
Project: Points can be earned throughout the semester. Most, if not all, projects will focus on analyzing data as described on the project webpage; but other ideas are welcome.
Please let me know if you would like to earn points using other methods (e.g. creating software, writing teaching material, presenting posters, etc.).
The following grades can be earned via the following combination of points. Collaboration is encouraged on everything except quizzes and midterm.
NOTE regarding class attendance: Class attendance is required, but if you need to miss a class, fill out the UI absence form and e-mail it to me. You are required to make up some of the material missed during class. You may use your points grade to make up for missing a class, but it will be easier to discuss a simple make-up plan with me.
This course will be individualized to meet the interests and background of each participant, so if you would like to propose your own individualized grading system, please let me know.
GRADING All work must be shown in order to receive credit. If no work is shown, you may receive zero credit even if your answer is correct.
Locations of exams
TBA. You are required to bring identification to all
exams. Calculators may NOT be allowed. You are
required to pick up your exams and keep them until the end of the
semester. Exams will be cumulative.
If there is a mistake in
grading, you must report this mistake within one week from when the
exam, homework, etc. has been handed back to the class (whether or not
you picked up your exam, homework, etc).
Attendance and absences: Your attendance at each scheduled class meeting is expected. You are responsible for material covered in class and announcements made during class; these may include changes in the syllabus.
Student Collaboration: You may collaborate with other students on homework and projects; however, each individual student is responsible for turning in your own homework in your own words. Copying is not collaboration and will be prosecuted under scholastic dishonesty. Any significant collaboration should be acknowledged.
From Writing Center website: Suggestions and feedback on all kinds of writing, from course papers to creative pieces and multimedia projects.
You an obtain feedback via individual appointments, online submissions or weekly appointments (for weekly appointments, space is limited so sign up NOW if you are interested).
From Speaking Center website: We work with a range of students from many disciplines on such issues as: effective participation in class discussions, crafting and delivering oral presentations, understanding unfamiliar cultural references, interview skills, creative performances, and speech anxiety.