#include "matrix.h" VEC *get_col(MAT *A, int col_num, VEC *v) VEC *get_row(MAT *A, int row_num, VEC *v)
#include "zmatrix.h" ZVEC *zget_col(ZMAT *A, int col_num, ZVEC *v) ZVEC *zget_row(ZMAT *A, int row_num, ZVEC *v)
These put the designated column or row of the matrix A and puts it into the vector v. If v is NULL or too small, then a new vector object is created and returned by get_col() and get_row(). Otherwise, v is filled with the necessary data and is then returned. If v is larger than necessary, then the additional entries of v are unchanged. The complex routines operate exactly analogously to the real routines.
MAT *A; VEC *row, *col; int row_num, col_num; ...... row = v_get(A->n); col = v_get(A->m); get_row(A, row_num, row); get_col(A, col_num, col);
SEE ALSO: set_col(), set_row(), and zset_col(), zset_row().
SOURCE FILE: matop.c, zmatop.c