copy objects


#include  "matrix.h"
BAND  *bd_copy(BAND *in, BAND *out)
IVEC  *iv_copy(IVEC *in, IVEC *out)
MAT   *m_copy (MAT *in,  MAT *out)
MAT   *_m_copy(MAT *in,  MAT *out, int i0, int j0)
PERM  *px_copy(PERM *in, PERM *out)
VEC   *v_copy (VEC *in,  VEC *out)
VEC   *_v_copy(VEC *in,  VEC *out, int i0)
MAT   *m_move (MAT *in,  int i0, int j0, int m0, int n0,
               MAT *out, int i1, int j1)
VEC   *v_move (VEC *in,  int i0, int dim0,
               VEC *out, int i1)
VEC   *mv_move(MAT *in,  int i0, int j0, int m0, int n0,
               VEC *out, int i1)
MAT   *vm_move(VEC *in,  int i0,
               MAT *out, int i1, int j1, int m1, int n1)
#include  "zmatrix.h"
ZMAT  *zm_copy(ZMAT *in, ZMAT *out)
ZMAT  *_zm_copy(ZMAT *in, ZMAT *out, int i0, int j0)
ZVEC  *zv_copy(ZVEC *in, ZVEC *out)
ZVEC  *_zv_copy(ZVEC *in, ZVEC *out)
ZMAT  *zm_move (ZMAT *in,  int i0, int j0, int m0, int n0,
                ZMAT *out, int i1, int j1)
ZVEC  *zv_move (ZVEC *in,  int i0, int dim0,
                ZVEC *out, int i1)
ZVEC  *zmv_move(ZMAT *in,  int i0, int j0, int m0, int n0,
                ZVEC *out, int i1)
ZMAT  *zvm_move(ZVEC *in,  int i0,
                ZMAT *out, int i1, int j1, int m1, int n1)


All the routines bd_copy(), iv_copy(), m_copy(), px_copy(), v_copy(), zm_copy() and zv_copy() copy all of the data from one data structure to another, creating a new object if necessary (i.e.\ a NULL object is passed or out is not sufficiently big), by means of a call to bd_get(), iv_get(), m_get(), px_get() or v_get() etc.\ as appropriate. \newpage For m_copy(), v_copy(), bd_copy(), iv_copy(), zm_copy(), and \newlinezv_copy() if in is smaller than the object out, then it is copied into a region in out of the same size. If the sizes of the permutations differ in px_copy() then a new permutation is created and returned. The ``raw'' copy routines are _m_copy(in,out,i0,j0) and \newline_v_copy(in,out,i0). Here (i0,j0) is the position where the $(0,0)$ element of the in matrix is copied to; in is copied into a block of out. Similarly, for _v_copy(), i0 is the position of out where the zero element of in is copied to; in is copied to a block of components of out. The .._copy() routines all work in situ\/ with in == out, however, the\hfill\break _.._copy() routines will only work in situ\/ if i0 (and also j0 if this is also passed) is (are) zero. The complex routines zm_copy(in,out), zv_copy(in,out), and their ``raw'' versions _zm_copy(in,out,i0,j0) and _zv_copy(int,out,i0) operate entirely analogously to their real counterparts. The routines .._move() move blocks between matrices and vectors. A source block in a matrix is identified by the matrix structure (in), the co-ordinates ((i0,j0)) of the top left corner of the block and the number of rows (m0) and columns (n0) of the block. The target block of a matrix is identified by out and the co-ordinates of the top left corner of the block ((i1,j1)), except in the case of moving a block from a vector to a matrix (vm_move()). In that case the number of rows and columns of the target need to be specified. The source block of a vector is identified by the source vector (in), the starting index of the block (i0) and the dimension of the block (dim0). The target block of a vector is identified by the target vector out and the starting index (i1). The routine m_move() moves blocks between matrices, v_move() moves blocks between vectors, mv_move() moves blocks from matrices to vectors (copying by rows), and vm_move() moves blocks from vectors to matrices (again copying by rows). The routine zm_move() moves blocks between complex matrices, zv_move() moves blocks between complex vectors, zmv_move() moves blocks from complex matrices to complex vectors (copying by rows), and zvm_move() moves blocks from complex vectors to complex matrices (again copying by rows).


/* copy x to y */
/* create a new vector z = x */
z = v_copy(x,VNULL);
/* copy A to the block in B with top-left corner (3,5) */
/* an equivalent operation with m_move() */
m_move(A,0,0,A->m,A->n, B,3,5);
/* copy a matrix into a block in a vector ... */
mv_move(A,0,0,A->m,A->n, y,3);
/* ... and restore the matrix */
vm_move(y,3,A->m*A->n, A,0,0,A->m,A->n);
/* construct a block diagonal matrix C = diag(A,B) */
C = m_get(A->m+B->m,A->n+B->n);
m_move(A,0,0,A->m,A->n, C,0,   0);
m_move(B,0,0,B->m,B->n, C,A->m,A->n);

SEE ALSO: .._get() routines

SOURCE FILE: copy.h, ivecop.c, zcopy.c, bdfactor.c