band2mat() Convert band matrix to dense matrix
bd_free() Deallocate (destroy) band matrix
bd_get() Allocate and initialise band matrix
bd_transp() Transpose band matrix
bd_resize() Resize band matrix
bdLDLfactor() Band $LDL^T$ factorisation
bdLDLsolve() Solve $Ax=b$ using band $LDL^T$ factors
bdLUfactor() Band $LU$ factorisation
bdLUsolve() Solve $Ax=b$ using band $LU$ factors
bisvd() SVD of bi-diagonal matrix
BKPfactor() Bunch--Kaufman--Parlett factorisation
BKPsolve() Bunch--Kaufman--Parlett solver
catch() Catch a raised error (macro)
catchall() Catch any raised error (macro)
catch_FPE() Catch floating point error (sets flag)
CHfactor() Dense Cholesky factorisation
CHsolve() Cholesky solver
d_save() Save real in MATLAB format
Dsolve() Solve $Dx=y$, $D$ diagonal
ERRABORT() Abort on error (sets flag, macro)
ERREXIT() Exit on error (sets flag, macro)
error() Raise an error (macro, see ev_err())
err_list_attach() Attach new list of errors
err_list_free() Discard list of errors
err_is_list_attached() Checks for an error list
ev_err() Raise an error (function)
fft() Computes Fast Fourier Transform
finput() Input a simple data item from a stream
fprompter() Print prompt to stderr
get_col() Extract a column from a matrix
get_row() Extract a row from a matrix
givens() Compute Givens parameters
hhtrcols() Compute $AP^T$ where $P$ is a Householder matrix
hhtrrows() Compute $PA$ where $P$ is a Householder matrix
hhtrvec() Compute $Px$ where $P$ is a Householder matrix
hhvec() Compute parameters for a Householder matrix
ifft() Computes inverse FFT
in_prod() Inner product of vectors
input() Input a simple data item from stdin (macro)
iter_arnoldi() Arnoldi iterative method
iter_arnoldi_iref() Arnoldi iterative method with refinement
iter_ATx() Set $A^T$ in ITER structure
iter_Ax() Set $A$ in ITER structure
iter_Bx() Set preconditioner in ITER structure
iter_cg() Conjugate gradients iterative method
iter_cgne() Conjugate gradients for normal equations
iter_cgs() CGS iterative method
iter_copy() Copy ITER data structures
iter_copy2() Shallow copy of ITER data structures
iter_dump() Dump ITER data structure to a stream
iter_free() Free (deallocate) ITER structure
iter_get() Allocate ITER structure
iter_gmres() GMRES iterative method
iter_lanczos() Lanczos iterative method
iter_lanczos2() Lanczos method with Cullum & Willoughby extensions
iter_lsqr() LSQR iterative method
iter_mgcr() MGCR iterative method
iter_resize() Change sizes in ITER structure
iter_sparnoldi() Sparse matrix Arnoldi method
iter_sparnoldi_iref() Sparse matrix Arnoldi method with refinement
iter_spcg() Sparse matrix CG method
iter_spcgne() Sparse matrix CG method for normal equations
iter_spcgs() Sparse matrix CGS method
iter_spgmres() Sparse matrix GMRES method
iter_splanczos() Sparse matrix basic Lanczos method
iter_splanczos2() Sparse matrix Cullum & Willoughby Lanczos method
iter_splsqr() Sparse matrix LSQR method
iter_spmgcr() Sparse matrix MGCR method
iv_add() Add integer vectors
iv_copy() Copy integer vector
iv_dump() Dump integer vector to a stream
iv_finput() Input integer vector from a stream
iv_foutput() Output integer vector to a stream
IV_FREE() Free (deallocate) an integer vector (macro)
iv_free() Free (deallocate) integer vector (function)
iv_free_vars() Free a list of integer vectors
iv_get() Allocate and initialise an integer vector
iv_get_vars() Allocate list of integer vectors
iv_input() Input integer vector from stdin (macro)
iv_output() Output integer vector to stdout (macro)
iv_resize() Resize an integer vector
iv_resize_vars() Resize a list of integer vectors
iv_sub() Subtract integer vectors
LDLfactor() $LDL^T$ factorisation
LDLsolve() $LDL^T$ solver
LDLupdate() Update $LDL^T$ factorisation
Lsolve() Solve $Lx=y$, $L$ lower triangular
LTsolve() Solve $L^Tx=y$, $L$ lower triangular
LUcondest() Estimate a condition number using $LU$ factors
LUfactor() Compute $LU$ factors with implicit scaled partial pivoting
LUsolve() Solve $Ax=b$ using $LU$ factors
LUTsolve() Solve $A^Tx=b$ usng $LU$ factors
m_add() Add matrices
makeQ() Form $Q$ matrix for $QR$ factorisation
makeR() Form $R$ matrix for $QR$ factorisation
mat2band() Extract band matrix from dense matrix
MCHfactor() Modified Cholesky factorisation (actually factors $A+D$, $D$ diagonal, instead of $A$)
m_copy() Copy dense matrix
m_dump() Dump matrix data structure to a stream
mem_attach_list() Adds a new family of types
mem_bytes() Notify change in memory usage (macro)
mem_bytes_list() Notify change in memory usage
mem_free_list() Frees a family of types
mem_info_bytes() Number of bytes used by a type
mem_info_numvar() Number of structures of a type
mem_info_file() Print memory info to a stream
mem_info_is_on() Is memory data being accumulated?
mem_info_on() Turns memory info system on/off
mem_is_list_attached() Is list of types attached?
mem_numvar() Notify change in number of structures allocated (macro)
mem_numvar_list() Notify change in number of structures allocated
mem_stat_dump() Prints information on registered workspace
mem_stat_free() Frees (deallocates) static workspace
mem_stat_mark() Sets mark for workspace
MEM_STAT_REG() Register static workspace (macro)
mem_stat_show_mark() Current workspace group
m_exp() Computes matrix exponential
m_finput() Input matrix from a stream
m_foutput() Output matrix to a stream
M_FREE() Free (deallocate) a matrix (macro)
m_free() Free (deallocate) matrix (function)
m_free_vars() Free a list of matrices
m_get() Allocate and initialise a matrix
m_get_vars() Allocate list of matrices
m_ident() Sets matrix to identity matrix
m_input() Input matrix from stdin (macro)
m_inverse() Invert matrix
m_load() Load matrix in MATLAB format
m_mlt() Multiplies matrices
mmtr_mlt() Computes $AB^T$
m_norm1() Computes $\|A\|_1$ of a matrix
m_norm_frob() Computes the Frobenius norm of a matrix
m_norm_inf() Computes $\|A\|_\infty$ of a matrix
m_ones() Set matrix to all 1's
m_output() Output matrix to stdout (macro)
m_poly() Computes a matrix polynomial
m_pow() Computes integer power of a matrix
mrand() Generates pseudo-random real number
m_rand() Randomise entries of a matrix
mrandlist() Generates array of pseudo-random numbers
m_resize() Resize matrix
m_resize_vars() Resize a list of matrices
m_save() Save matrix in MATLAB format
m_sub() Subtract matrices
m_transp() Transpose matrix
mtrm_mlt() Computes $A^TB$
mv_mlt() Computes $Ax$
mv_mltadd() Computes $y\gets Ax+y$
m_zero() Zero a matrix
ON_ERROR() Error handler (macro)
prompter() Print prompt message to stdout
px_cols() Permute the columns of a matrix
px_copy() Copy permutation
px_dump() Dump permutation data structure to a stream
px_finput() Input permutation from a stream
px_foutput() Output permutation to a stream
PX_FREE() Free (deallocate) a permutation (macro)
px_free() Free (deallocate) permutation (function)
px_free_vars() Free a list of permutations
px_get() Allocate and initialise a permutation
px_get_vars() Allocate a list of permutations
px_ident() Sets permutation to identity
px_input() Input permutation from stdin (macro)
px_inv() Invert permutation
pxinv_vec() Computes $P^Tx$ where $P$ is a permutation matrix
pxinv_zvec() Computes $P^Tx$ where $P$ is a permutation matrix (complex)
px_mlt() Multiply permutations
px_output() Output permutation to stdout (macro)
px_resize() Resize a permutation
px_resize_vars() Resize a list of permutations
px_rows() Permute the rows of a matrix
px_sign() Returns the sign of the permutation
px_transp() Transpose a pair of entries
px_vec() Computes $Px$ where $P$ is a permutation matrix
px_zvec() Computes $Px$ where $P$ is a permutation matrix (complex)
QRCPfactor() $QR$ factorisation with column pivoting
QRfactor() $QR$ factorisation
QRsolve() Solve $Ax=b$ using $QR$ factorisation
QRTsolve() Solve $A^Tx=b$ using $QR$ factorisation
QRupdate() Update explicit $QR$ factors
rot_cols() Apply Givens rotation to the columns of a matrix
rot_rows() Apply Givens rotation to the rows of a matrix
rot_vec() Apply Givens rotation to a vector
rot_zvec() Apply complex Givens rotation to a vector
schur() Compute real Schur form
schur_evals() Compute eigenvalues from the real Schur form
schur_vecs() Compute eigenvectors from the real Schur form
set_col() Set the column of a matrix to a given vector
set_err_flag() Control behaviour of ev_err()
set_row() Set the row of a matrix to a given vector
sm_mlt() Scalar--matrix multiplication
smrand() Set seed for mrand()
spBKPfactor() Sparse symmetric indefinite factorsiation
spBKPsolve() Sparse symmetric indefinite solver
spCHfactor() Sparse Cholesky factorisation
spCHsolve() Sparse Cholesky solver
spCHsymb() Symbolic sparse Cholesky factorisation (no floating point oper\-ations)
sp_col_access() Sets up column access paths for a sparse matrix
sp_compact() Eliminates zero entries in a sparse matrix
sp_copy() Copies a sparse matrix
sp_copy2() Copies a sparse matrix into another
sp_diag_access() Sets up diagonal access paths for a sparse matrix
sp_dump() Dump sparse matrix data structure to a stream
sp_finput() Input sparse matrix from a stream
sp_foutput() Output a sparse matrix to a stream
sp_free() Free (deallocate) a sparse matrix
sp_get() Allocate and initialise a sparse matrix
sp_get_val() Get the $(i,j)$ entry of a sparse matrix
spICHfactor() Sparse incomplete Cholesky factorisation
sp_input() Input a sparse matrix form stdin
spLUfactor() Sparse $LU$ factorisation using partial pivoting
spLUsolve() Solves $Ax=b$ using sparse $LU$ factors
spLUTsolve() Solves $A^Tx=b$ using sparse $LU$ factors
sp_mv_mlt() Computes $Ax$ for sparse $A$
sp_output() Outputs a sparse matrix to a stream (macro)
sp_resize() Resize a sparse matrix
sprow_add() Adds a pair of sparse rows
sprow_foutput() Output sparse row to a stream
sprow_get() Allocate and initialise a sparse row
sprow_get_idx() Get location of an entry in a sparse row
sprow_merge() Merge two sparse rows
sprow_mltadd() Sparse row vector multiply-and-add
sprow_set_val() Set an entry in a sparse row
sprow_smlt() Multiplies a sparse row by a scalar
sprow_sub() Subtracts a sparse row from another
sprow_xpd() Expand a sparse row
sp_set_val() Set the $(i,j)$ entry of a sparse matrix
sp_vm_mlt() Compute $x^TA$ for sparse $A$
sp_zero() Zero (but do not remove) all entries of a sparse matrix
svd() Compute the SVD of a matrix
sv_mlt() Scalar--vector multiply
symmeig() Compute eigenvalues/vectors of a symmetric matrix
tracecatch() Catch and re-raise errors (macro)
trieig() Compute eigenvalues/vectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
UTsolve() Solve $U^Tx=b$ where $U$ is upper triangular
v_add() Add vectors
v_conv() Convolution product of vectors
v_copy() Copy vector
v_dump() Dump vector data structure to a stream
v_finput() Input vector from a stream
v_foutput() Output vector to a stream
V_FREE() Free (deallocate) a vector (macro)
v_free() Free (deallocate) vector (function)
v_free_vars() Free a list of vectors
v_get() Allocate and initialise a vector
v_get_vars() Allocate list of vectors
v_input() Input vector from stdin (macro)
v_lincomb() Compute $\sum_i a_i x_i$ for an array of vectors
v_linlist() Compute $\sum_i a_i x_i$ for a list of vectors
v_map() Apply function componentwise to a vector
v_max() Computes max vector entry
v_min() Computes min vector entry
v_mltadd() Computes $y\gets \alpha x+y$ for vectors $x$, $y$
vm_mlt() Computes $x^TA$
vm_mltadd() Computes $y^T\gets y^T+x^TA$
v_norm1() Computes $\|x\|_1$ for a vector
v_norm2() Computes $\|x\|_2$ (the Euclidean norm) of a vector
v_norm_inf() Computes $\|x\|_\infty$ for a vector
v_ones() Set vector to all 1's
v_output() Output vector to stdout (macro)
v_pconv() Periodic convolution of two vectors
v_rand() Randomise entries of a vector
v_resize() Resize a vector
v_resize_vars() Resize a list of vectors
v_save() Save a vector in MATLAB format
v_slash() Computes componentwise ratio of vectors
v_sort() Sorts vector components
v_sub() Subtract two vectors
v_sum() Sum of components of a vector
v_zero() Zero a vector
zabs() Complex absolute value (modulus)
zadd() Add complex numbers
zconj() Conjugate complex number
zdiv() Divide complex numbers
zexp() Complex exponential
z_finput() Read complex number from file or stream
z_foutput() Prints complex number to file or stream
zgivens() Compute complex Givens' rotation
zhhtrcols() Apply Householder transformation: $PA$ (complex)
zhhtrrows() Apply Householder transformation: $AP$ (complex)
zhhtrvec() Apply Householder transformation: $Px$ (complex)
zhhvec() Compute Householder transformation
zin_prod() Complex inner product
z_input() Read complex number from stdin
zinv() Computes $1/z$ (complex)
zLAsolve() Solve $L^*x=b$, $L$ complex lower triangular
zlog() Complex logarithm
zLsolve() Solve $Lx=b$, $L$ complex lower triangular
zLUAsolve() Solve $A^*x=b$ using complex LU factorisation
zLUcondest() Complex LU condition estimate
zLUfactor() Complex LU factorisation
zLUsolve() Solve $Ax=b$ using complex LU factorisation
zm_add() Add complex matrices
zm_adjoint() Computes adjoint of complex matrix
zmake() Construct complex number from real and imaginary parts
zmakeQ() Construct $Q$ matrix for complex $QR$
zmakeR() Construct $R$ matrix for complex $QR$
zmam_mlt() Computes $A^*B$ (complex)
zm_dump() Dump complex matrix to stream
zm_finput() Input complex matrix from stream
ZM_FREE() Free (deallocate) complex matrix (macro)
zm_free() Free (deallocate) complex matrix (function)
zm_free_vars() Free a list of complex matrices
zm_get() Allocate complex matrix
zm_get_vars() Allocate a list of complex matrices
zm_input() Input complex matrix from stdin
zm_inverse() Compute inverse of complex matrix
zm_load() Load complex matrix in MATLAB format
zmlt() Multiply complex numbers
zmma_mlt() Computes $AB^*$ (complex)
zm_mlt() Multiply complex matrices
zm_norm1() Complex matrix 1--norm
zm_norm_frob() Complex matrix Frobenius norm
zm_norm_inf() Complex matrix $\infty$-norm
zm_rand() Randomise complex matrix
zm_resize() Resize complex matrix
zm_resize_vars() Resize a list of complex matrices
zm_save() Save complex matrix in MATLAB format
zm_sub() Subtract complex matrices
zmv_mlt() Complex matrix--vector multiply
zmv_mltadd() Complex matrix--vector multiply and add
zm_zero() Zero complex matrix
zneg() Computes $-z$ (complex)
z_output() Print complex number to stdout
zQRCPfactor() Complex $QR$ factorisation with column pivoting
zQRCPsolve() Solve $Ax=b$ using complex $QR$ factorisation
zQRfactor() Complex $QR$ factorisation
zQRAsolve() Solve $A^*x= b$ using complex $QR$ factorisation
zQRsolve() Solve $Ax= b$ using complex $QR$ factorisation
zrot_cols() Complex Givens' rotation of columns
zrot_rows() Complex Givens' rotation of rows
z_save() Save complex number in MATLAB format
zschur() Complex Schur factorisation
zset_col() Set column of complex matrix
zset_row() Set row of complex matrix
zsm_mlt() Complex scalar--matrix product
zsqrt() Square root $\sqrt{z}$ (complex)
zsub() Subtract complex numbers
zUAsolve() Solve $U^*x=b$, $U$ complex upper triangular
zUsolve() Solve $Ux=b$, $U$ complex upper triangular
zv_add() Add complex vectors
zv_copy() Copy complex vector
zv_dump() Dump complex vector to a stream
zv_finput() Input complex vector from a stream
ZV_FREE() Free (deallocate) complex vector (macro)
zv_free() Free (deallocate) complex vector (function)
zv_free_vars() Free a list of complex vectors
zv_get() Allocate complex vector
zv_get_vars() Allocate a list of complex vectors
zv_input() Input complex vector from a stdin
zv_lincomb() Compute $\sum_i a_i x_i$ for an array of vectors
zv_linlist() Compute $\sum_i a_i x_i$ for a list of vectors
zv_map() Apply function componentwise to a complex vector
zv_mlt() Complex scalar--vector product
zv_mltadd() Complex scalar--vector multiply and add
zvm_mlt() Computes $A^*x$ (complex)
zvm_mltadd() Computes $A^*x+y$ (complex)
zv_norm1() Complex vector 1--norm
zv_norm2() Complex vector 2-- (or Euclidean) norm
zv_norm_inf() Complex vector $\infty$-- (or supremum) norm
zv_rand() Randomise complex vector
zv_resize() Resize complex vector
zv_resize_vars() Resize a list of complex vectors
zv_save() Save complex vector in MATLAB format
zv_slash() Componentwise ratio of complex vectors
zv_star() Componentwise product of complex vectors
zv_sub() Subtract complex vectors
zv_sum() Sum of components of a complex vector
zv_zero() Zero complex vector
__ip__() Inner product of arrays
MEM_COPY() Copy memory (macro)
MEM_ZERO() Zero memory (macro)
__mltadd__() Forms $x+\alpha y$ for arrays
__smlt__() Scalar--vector multiplication for arrays
__sub__() Subtract an array from another
__zadd__() Add complex arrays
__zconj__() Conjugate complex array
__zero__() Zero an array
__zip__() Complex inner product of arrays
__zmlt__() Complex array scalar product
__zmltadd__() Complex array saxpy
__zsub__() Subtract complex arrays
__zzero__() Zero a complex array