These images were constructed using the programs in

Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
with Mathematica (Second Edition)
by Alfred Gray

For a review of Gray's book (Second Edition) see the SIAM Review, Volume 41(1999), No. 1 see pages 186-189.

The images below and the Mathematica programs which generate them are part of the course materials for Introduction to Differential Geometry 1 22M:160 which ran in Spring 2000, Fall 2002 and Fall 2003 at the University of Iowa. The Mathematica-based course materials (Mathematica notebooks containing all programming needed to run the programs, topic discussions and exercises) may be downloaded from the course homepage (click on the Assignments link), or in zipped format from my ftp site. To read more about Introduction to Differential Geometry 1 click here.

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When you click on the graphic you will generate an animation.
Dragging the slider gadget below the animation frame back and forth
lets you examine the animation frame-by-frame.
Double-click on the graphic to rerun the animation.

Curvature and torsion of torus knots 1 2

Curves with prescribed curvature and torsion 1 2 3

First fundamental form 1 2

Frenet frame 1 2

Gauss map 1 2

Normal curvature 1 2

Theorema Egregium 1

Hypercube images 1

Curvature and torsion of torus knots

With the definitions torus[a, b, c][u, v] := {(a + b*Cos[v])*Cos[u], (a + b*Cos[v])*Sin[u], c*Sin[v]} and
torusknot[a, b, c][p, q][t] := {(a + b*Cos[q*t])*Cos[p*t], (a + b*Cos[q*t])*Sin[p*t], c*Sin[q*t]} this graphic shows the torusknot[8,3,5][1,2][t] on the torus torus[8,3,5], shown in a yellow wireframe view, along with the curve alone. Also shown are the graphs of the curvature (red) and torsion (green) functions for this curve, graphed over the t-axis. Clicking on the graphic runs an animation which is determined by letting t increase from 0 to 2 pi in increments of 2Pi/20, for the torusknot curve, its curvature and its torsion functions. So in the animation the 'leading edge' of the torusknot curve has curvature and torsion values given by the (y-coordinates of the) leading edge of the graphs of those corresponding functions. This graphic also illustrates 'which' points on the curvature and torsion graphs correspond to which points on the torusknot curve, for the given parameterization. Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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Curvature and torsion of torus knots 2

With the definitions torus[a, b, c][u, v] := {(a + b*Cos[v])*Cos[u], (a + b*Cos[v])*Sin[u], c*Sin[v]} and torusknot[a, b, c][p, q][t] := {(a + b*Cos[q*t])*Cos[p*t], (a + b*Cos[q*t])*Sin[p*t], c*Sin[q*t]} this graphic shows the curvature and torsion for the curve torusknot[8,3,8][1,2][t] on the torus[8,3,8], shown in a yellow wireframe view,along with the curve alone. Clicking on the graphic runs an animation which shows how the torus, the torus knot, and its curvature and torsion change when we graph torusknot[8,3,c][1,2][t] on the torus[8,3,c], and let c vary. We vary c from 5 to 8, then from 8 to 3, then back to 5. This animation is meant to illustrate how curvature and torsion change when the curve (the torusknot in this case) changes in a controlled way. Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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Curves with prescribed curvature and torsion

In the right graphic, the red line is the graph of Curvature[ t ] = t, the green line is the graph of Torsion[ t ; n ] = n t, with n = 0, with t in [0,10]. In the left graphic is the numerically-generated unit-speed space curve alpha[ t ; n ] with curvature = Curvature[ t ] and torsion = Torsion[ t ; n ] for t in [0,10]. The initial conditions for alpha[ t ; n ] are alpha[ 0 ; n ] = {0,0,0}, t-derivatives alpha ' [ 0 ; n ] = {1,0,0} and alpha '' [0;n] is normalized to {0,1,0}. We then vary n from 0 to 1 in increments of .1 The changes in the curve alpha[ t ; n ] and the graph of Torsion[ t ; n ] are shown in the animated view. This animation gives a 'dynamic' view of what the torsion of a space curve controls (how much the curve is 'stretched out'). The alpha[ t ; n ] curve is obtained by solving the Frenet frame equations numerically with a program Gray wrote using the Mathematica function NDSolve. Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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In the right graphic, the red line is the graph of Curvature [ t ; n ] = n t, with n = 0 the green line is the graph of Torsion[ t ] = t, with t in [0,10]. In the left graphic is the numerically-generated unit-speed space curve alpha[ t ; n ] with curvature = Curvature[ t ; n ] and 'torsion' = Torsion[ t ] for t in [0,10] (see below for some remarks about this). The initial conditions for alpha[ t ; n ] are alpha[ 0 ; n ] = {0,0,0}, t-derivatives alpha ' [ 0 ; n ] = {1,0,0} and alpha '' [0;n] is normalized to {0,1,0}. We then vary n from 0 to 1 in increments of .1. The changes in the curve alpha[ t ; n ] and the graph of Curvature[ t ; n ] are shown in the animated view. This animation gives a 'dynamic' view of what the curvature of a space curve controls (how much the curve 'winds around'). The alpha[ t ; n ] curve is obtained by solving the Frenet frame equations numerically with a program Gray wrote using the Mathematica function NDSolve.
For n = 0, the curve alpha[ t ; n ] is a plane curve, even though its 'torsion' is nonzero. This is because we chose the curvature to be identically zero. In this case the function we have called the torsion function does not behave like the usual notion of torsion, which is defined when the curvature is nonzero. One can pick 'any' two (say smooth) functions, K[ t ] and T[ t ] to play the roles of the curvature and torsion functions appearing in the Frenet frame equations, and a solution curve to those equations is obtained, C [ t ; K ; T ] (given initial conditions). The relation between the 'usual' notions of curvature and torsion for C [ t ; K ; T ] and K[ t ] and T[ t ], especially when K[ t ] takes zero or negative values, is explored in exercises in the course. Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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In the right graphic, the red line is the graph of Curvature[ t ; n] = n t, the green line is the graph of Torsion[ t ; n ] = n t, both with n = 0 , with t in [0,10]. In the left graphic is the numerically-generated unit-speed space curve alpha[ t ; n ] with curvature = Curvature[ t ; n ] and torsion = Torsion[ t ; n] for t in [0,10]. The initial conditions for alpha[ t ; n ] are alpha[ 0 ; n ] = {0,0,0}, t-derivatives alpha ' [ 0 ; n ] = {1,0,0} and alpha '' [0;n] is normalized to {0,1,0}. We then vary n from 0 to 1 in increments of .1 The changes in the curve alpha[ t ; n ] and the graph of Curvature[ t ; n ] and Torsion[ t ; n ] are shown in the animated view. This animation gives one possible view of what happens to a space curve when both its curvature and torsion are varied (a sort of competition between streching out and winding around!). Many other choices of curvature and torsion functions can be examined by minor modifications to the program Gray wrote to generate the space curves. The alpha[ t ; n ] curve is obtained by solving the Frenet frame equations numerically with a program Gray wrote using the Mathematica function NDSolve. Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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First fundamental form animations

This animation illustrates how certain basic surface parameterizations distort lengths of curves.
This idea leads to a discussion of intrinsic versus non-intrinsic properties of surfaces.
In the left graphic, the green paraboloid[1,2][u,v]= {u , v, u^2 + 2 v^2} surface (in 'wireframe' view) is shown over the x-y parameter plane. A copy of the u-v plane is shown the plane z = -1. In this plane are red line segments of length 1 starting at the point (0,0). The images of these line segment are shown are thick black curves on the surface. In the right graphic the lengths of the curves on the surface are shown in black as a function of the 'polar angle' in the plane. Also shown in red are the lengths of the original line segments (all of which = 1). Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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This animation illustrates how certain basic surface parameterizations distort lengths of tangent vectors.
This idea leads to a discussion of induced metrics on surfaces and on the domains of the parameterizing coordinate patches. Later, this leads to a discussion of a metric on a plane domain which may or may not arise from an embedding into three-space.
In the upper left graphic, the blue tangent vectors with yellow tips in the u-v plane are based at the point (0,1). These have length 1 and their endpoints trace out the red (Euclidean) circle of radius 1. These vectors are mapped to the surface z = x^2 + y^2 by the tangent map to the parameterization paraboloid[1,1][u,v]= {u , v, u^2 + v^2}. In the graphic on the lower left, the image vectors on the paraboloid[1,1] at the point {0,1,1} are shown in blue, and the image of the circle is shown in red. The lengths of these image vectors (labeled G-length ) are shown in the blue curve in the lower right graphic, as a function of the 'polar angle' in the u-v plane. In the upper right graphic is shown the original blue vectors, now measured with the 'induced metric', that is, with the lengths given by the lengths of the images tangent to the surface.Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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Normal curvature animations

The surface z = y^2 - x^2 is shown in red. The green 'upward' normal is located at (0,0,0). The normal curvature is computed in the direction of the blue tangent vector at (0,0,0). The blue and green vectors span the yellow slicing plane. The normal curvature is (up to sign) the ordinary space curve curvature of the curve given by the intersection of the slicing plane and the surface. The normal curvature is positive when the slice curve 'bends up towards' the chosen normal, and negative when it 'bends down away'. The intersection curves are shaded black. It is an exercise in the course to prove that these curves are the images of straight lines through {0,0} in the u-v parameter plane under the parameterization { u , v , -u^2 + v^2 }. In the right-hand frame the normal curvature is graphed as a function of the 'polar angle' of the blue tangent vector. The 'polar angle' is defined using the parameterization for a basis of the tangent space, and applying the Gram-Schmidt process to that basis. Explaining this was also part of an exercise. Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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The surface z = y^2 - x^2 is shown in red. The green 'upward' normal is located at (0,1,1). The normal curvature is computed in the direction of the blue tangent vector based at (0,1,1). The blue and green vectors span the yellow slicing plane. The normal curvature is (up to sign) the ordinary space curve curvature of the curve given by the intersection of the slicing plane and the surface. The normal curvature is positive when the slice curve 'bends up towards' the chosen normal, and negative when it 'bends down away'. In the right-hand frame the normal curvature is graphed as a function of the 'polar angle' of the blue tangent vector. The 'polar angle' is defined using the parameterization for a basis of the tangent space, and applying the Gram-Schmidt process to that basis. Explaining this was part of an exercise in the course.Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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Gauss map animations

The above graphic is one frame of an animated view of the Gauss map of a catenoid. On the left side, the catenoid, the surface of revolution with profile curve the catenary {v, cosh[v]}, is shown with a red spiral curve on it. This curve obtained by mapping a spiral centered at the origin of the u-v plane to the catenoid by the parameterization catenoid[u,v] = {cos[u]*cosh[v],sin[u]cosh[v],v}. The blue 'outward' unit normal with a yellow tip is shown at a point of this curve. On the right side of the graphic the blue unit normal with yellow tip is shown translated to the origin, with its yellow tip on a gray sphere (shown in wireframe view).The yellow curve on the sphere is the image of the red curve under the Gauss map of the catenoid. We can think of the unit normal as 'painting' that portion of the sphere corresponding to the image of the red spiral under the Gauss map. If we imagine the outermost part of the spiral on the catenoid as enclosing a two-dimensional region D, then it appears from the graphic that the image under the Gauss map of D will be a two-dimensional region on the sphere. The area of this image is controlled by the Gauss curvature of the catenoid. If p is any point on the catenoid, and D any two-dimensional region with p in D, then the ratio Area(G(D))/Area(D), where G is the Gauss map, is a certain number. The limiting value of such numbers (with an appropriate sign) as D 'shrinks down to p' is the Gauss curvature of the surface at p, K(p).
This is how Gauss introduced the idea of what we now call Gauss curvature (Gauss called it the "measure of curvature"). For the catenoid, the Gauss curvature is strictly negative at every point, taking a minimum value of -1 at the "center" of the red spiral (the negativity of the curvature is reflected in the opposing motions of the normals on the catenoid as they move along the red spiral and the sense in which the image of the spiral is traced out on the sphere). That K = -1 at the center of the spiral can be interpretted to mean that near the center of the red spiral,the area of a small disc will have approximately the same area as its image under the Gauss map, and have an opposite orientation. Contrast this animation with the next one, the Gauss map for a cylinder. There the Gauss curvature is identically 0 and any such disc will be mapped to a curve. Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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The above graphic is one frame of an animated view of the Gauss map of a cylinder. On the left side, the cylinder surface x^2 + y^2 =1 is shown with a red spiral on it. This curve obtained by mapping the sprial centered at the origin of the u-v plane to the cylinder by the parameterization cyl[u,v] = {cos[u],sin[u],v}. The blue 'outward' unit normal with a yellow tip is shown at a point of this curve. In the right side the blue unit normal with yellow tip is shown translated to the origin, with its yellow tip on a gray sphere (shown in wireframe view).The yellow curve on the sphere is the image of the red curve under the Gauss map of the cylinder. We can think of the unit normal as 'painting' that portion of the sphere corresponding to the image of the red spiral under the Gauss map.
If we imagine the outermost part of the spiral on the cylinder as enclosing a two-dimensional region D then the image under the Gauss map of D will be not be a two-dimensional region on the sphere, but a one-dimensional region (i.e. a curve). Hence Area(G(D))= 0, since "area" means "two-dimensional measure", and then Area(G(D))/Area(D)= 0.
As discussed in the previous example , this type of ratio of areas, Area(G(D))/Area(D), is related to the Gauss curvature of the surface. The reason one gets Area(G(D))/Area(D)= 0 for the cylinder is that the Gauss curvature of the cylinder is equal to zero at every point. This contrasts with the previous example of the Gauss map of the catenoid. There, the curvature was nonzero (with value near -1 at the spiral 'center') and a corresponding two-dimensional region D on the catenoid mapped to a two-dimensional region under the Gauss map. Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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Frenet frame animations

This graphic shows part of a [2,5]-torus knot on an '[8,3,5]'-torus. The '[8,3,5]'-torus means the surface of revolution obtained from an ellipse in the x-y plane centered at (8,0) with major axis 2 x 5 in the y-direction and minor axis 2 x 3 in the x-direction, rotated about the y-axis. The [2,5]-torus knot means a curve which wraps 'around' the torus twice as it 'spirals' five times over and under the torus. The Frenet frame for this knot is shown with moving along the curve with red tangent, blue normal,and green binormal. For a reference, a second copy of the Frenet frame is shown with its 'center' at the origin of 3-space. At points on the curve where the curvature is small and the torsion is large in absolute value, there is dramatic 'twisting' in the plane spanned by the normal and binormal vectors. This topic is discussed further in Gray's book and also in the next graphic. Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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This graphic again shows part of a [2,5]-torus knot on an '[8,3,5]'-torus, along with its Frenet frame moving along the curve with red tangent,blue normal, and green binormal. A second copy of this Frenet frame is shown with its 'center' at the origin of 3-space. Additionally, a third Frenet frame is shown at the origin, which has longer and thinner tangent, normal and binormal vectors. For this longer thinner frame we take the initial conditions to be the same as those for torus knot Frenet frame, at a point on the torus knot where curvature is small and torsion is large (right after the first 'hilltop' is crossed by the torus knot Frenet frame). But for the longer thinner Frenet frame, we set the curvature function equal to 0 and solve the resulting Frenet frame equations with torsion equal to that of the torus knot. This new frame keeps the tangent vector fixed and has the normal and binormal vectors 'spinning' in the orthogonal plane. When the torsion is large in absolute value, the 'spinnning' is very fast. The torus knot Frenet frame behaves 'like' this longer thinner frame when the torus knot has small curvature and large torsion (and matching initial conditions). This phenomenon can be observed by advancing the animation slowly using the 'arrow' buttons on most .mov viewers. Mathematically, these ideas can be made quite precise by comparing solutions to systems of differential equations when those systems are 'close' using Gronwall-type inequalities. These topics were explored in exercises in the course.Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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Theorema Egregium

This graphic shows the first frame of an animated view of the Theorema Egregium of Gauss, that the (Gauss) curvature K of a surface is invariant under isometry. The green/yellow surface shown is a portion of the round sphere of radius 1. It is the starting surface in a family of isometric surfaces all of which share the features of being surfaces of revolution with Gauss curvature K = 1 at every point. To the right of the spherical surface is a purple graph of its Gauss curvature as a function of the sphere parameterization variables { u , v } (the u-curves are mapped to the parallels, the v-curves to meridians). Below these are graphs of the principal curvatures, k1 (red) and k2 (blue). When the animation runs the sphere portion varies through the family of isometric surfaces. The corresponding principal curvature functions also vary, but the Gauss curvature, which is given by the product, k1*k2 = K, remains constant. This exhibits the Theorema Egregium in action.
Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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Hypercube images

This graphic shows on the left the a rotating 3-d cube in three-space and its projection onto a 2-d plane below it. There is a black dot labeled "Light" which casts the "shadow" of the rotating cube (stereographic projection). The vertices are color-coded so they and their projected images in the 2-d plane can be followed.
On the right we see the image of a 4-d cube projected onto a 3-d three-space 'below' it. Even though we cannot see it or show a graphic for it, there is a "Light" in four-space which casts the "shadow" of the rotating 4-d cube into three space. The vertices are color-coded so they and their projected images in the 3-d space can be followed. Even though we cannot see the 4-space or the 4-d cube, we can still see its "shadow" one dimension "down" in the same way that we can see the 2-d image below the rotating 3-d cube in three space.
Click on the picture to see the animated view.

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There are lots of other Differential Geometry topics explored with Mathematica and Gray's programs in the Spring 2000,Fall 2002 and Fall 2003 courses. The Mathematica notebooks are written for an audience which I assume has NOT used Mathematica before. The notebooks were written so that students can modify the input easily in order to examine geometric attributes of different curves or surfaces, or different points on given curves and surfaces. These modifications are included as exercises. I will be adding further graphics and topics to those given above in the future. Please write me with comments, suggestions, corrections, ideas.... Please let me know if you would like me to email any of the Mathematica files to you. Then you may modify them, use them however you want, and let me know how to improve them!

Email address walter-seaman@uiowa.edu
Home page http://www.math.uiowa.edu/~seaman


Last updated September 7, 2009.